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Greystone Secrets #1: The Strangers von…
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Greystone Secrets #1: The Strangers (2020. Auflage)

von Margaret Peterson Haddix (Autor)

Reihen: Greystone Secrets (1)

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5871742,162 (3.8)1
Fantasy. Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. Mystery. HTML:

New York Times bestselling author Margaret Peterson Haddix takes readers on a thrilling adventure filled with mysteries and plot twists aplenty in this absorbing series about family and friendships. Perfect for fans of A Wrinkle in Time and The City of Ember!

What makes you you?

The Greystone kids thought they knew. Chess has always been the protector over his younger siblings, Emma loves math, and Finn does what Finn does best—acting silly and being adored. They've been a happy family, just the three of them and their mom.

But everything changes when reports of three kidnapped children reach the Greystone kids, and they're shocked by the startling similarities between themselves and these complete strangers. The other kids share their same first and middle names. They're the same ages. They even have identical birthdays. Who, exactly, are these strangers?

Before Chess, Emma, and Finn can question their mom about it, she takes off on a sudden work trip and leaves them in the care of Ms. Morales and her daughter, Natalie. But puzzling clues left behind lead to complex codes, hidden rooms, and a dangerous secret that will turn their world upside down.

Praise for The Strangers:

"A secret-stacked, thrilling series opener about perception, personal memories, and the idiosyncrasies that form individual identities." (Publishers Weekly, starred review)

* Winter 2018–2019 Kids' Indie Next List Pick * Indie Bestseller * Time for Kids Book Club: Top 10 Summer Reads * PW Best Books 2019 * Texas Bluebonnet Award List 2020-2021 * 2020 LITA Excellence in Children's and Young Adult Science Fiction Notable Book: The Eleanor Cameron Notable Middle Grade Books List *

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Titel:Greystone Secrets #1: The Strangers
Autoren:Margaret Peterson Haddix (Autor)
Info:Katherine Tegen Books (2020), Edition: Reprint, 432 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Strangers von Margaret Peterson Haddix

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This was a very unique book. I didn't anticipate the plot twist and I haven't read a book with this type of plot before. Each chapter was written from the point of view of one of the three children but still written in the third person which I liked. I liked the mystery aspect of the book and it really kept me interested as I tried to figure out what was going on. The end of the book was unresolved but now that I know what's going on I don't know if I'm interested enough to read the second book. I liked the different characters for the most part although something about Ms. Morales felt a bit off.
There was no profanity or blasphemy. ( )
  Piper29 | May 13, 2024 |
Like A Wrinkle in Time but more cynical, I think? Precocious siblings have to solve puzzles and rescue mom from a parallel universe. I disliked how judgmental characters were, lots of implications of what good parents vs subpar parents do in a given situation. Felt like the author had some kind of moral agenda and was writing the story for her own sake and not the sake of the child readers. ( )
  boopingaround | Mar 6, 2024 |
If I'm judging this purely as an entertaining genre mystery for kids, this is great. Classic Haddix, which is to say: it's a page-turner that leaves you craving the next in the series.

If I'm judging this as literature, I'm a little disappointed with the characters. I thought Finn seemed more like five years old (he's meant to be eight). Maybe this was due to the audiobook narrator's performance. Either way, he's meant to be the baby of the family and it didn't always feel believable. Chess, Emma and Natalie also fell a little flat -- all were somewhat reduced to one memorable characteristic (Emma = logic, Chess = responsible, Natalie = alpha).

As science fiction, I'm left scratching my head as to how some of the alternate dimension stuff works. For example, Why would the siblings in the alternate world have the same birthdays if they have a different father? That makes no sense to me. But the confusing bits might be explained in later books. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
I was super duper extremely pleasantly surprised with how much I totally loved this story!! Books 2 & 3 are currently on the way from Amazon---can I wait that long??

The story has a sort of A Wrinkle in Time feel to it, without all the over-kids'-heads sciencey trippyness that I didn't even understand when I tried to reread it at 40. There's just enough science and sci-fi to make it fun---and I'm so glad it didn't contain the supernatural/magic elements that are so prevalent in almost every. single. book. one picks up these days.

Like most books written for kids by someone who hasn't had kids at home on a daily basis, at least for quite awhile, the characters suffer from shifts in intellectual and vocabulary maturity---but most of these were still somewhat believable for all but the youngest character. With no "he's a weird genius like Charles Wallace" explanations to cover for this, I had to just pretend he was really 12 instead of eight.

One element that really surprised me and argued against my normal bias against today's literature offers for children and young adults, was the stance the author took relating to the government. This story is fantastic in that it shows kids the possibility and consequences of a government that lies to its citizens with technology and fake news. It's quite the opposite of the indoctrination prevalent today. Genius---and I hope it was done on purpose.

One of my favorite pieces of dialogue is this (paraphrased):

Joe: "We've had to operate in such secrecy---it's hasn't been safe for anyone to know more than one or two contacts."

Finn: "So there could be lots of people here who are secretly on our side! They just need to know it's safe to unite!"

This is literally what I've been saying about all of the crazy that's gone on in our world the last few years. It's the loudest voices that seem to be the majority---but what if they just have the ability (in this case, technology) to drown out the real majority?

Great book! Can't wait to get the next ones. While I have three children in the recommended age range of 8-12, I decided it was only my 13 year old and older that I felt comfortable with reading this right now. I felt like the emotions the children showed about being without their mother would really upset my younger kids---and the sci-fi towards the end would be over their heads. I've loaned this to my 13 year old daughter to enjoy. I hope she loves it! ( )
  classyhomemaker | Dec 11, 2023 |
3.5 stars

Overall, a cute book that will engage middle-grade readers. The mystery part of it was exciting, and the twists in the middle and end of the book add a new element of fun.

Writing-wise, the characters weren't super distinct and behaved unnaturally for their ages, in my opinion. One is a "math genius" and I'm so tired of the kid-genius trope.

Also, I found it disconcerting that Haddix brought in references to cheating husbands, as a friend's parent is a private investigator, of sorts. Though some kids may not understand and simply overlook this bit, most of the kids I know are curious and would ask questions. ("Mom spies on men who are....let's just say they're not very good husbands. Mom gives the wives proof, so they have the upper hand in the divorce." pp 112-113)

I am excited to continue the series, but I find that with most of Haddix's series, the first book is the best and it's all downhill after that. ( )
  RachelRachelRachel | Nov 21, 2023 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (3 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Margaret Peterson HaddixHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Lambelet, AnneUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Parlagreco, AuroraUmschlaggestalterCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Fantasy. Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. Mystery. HTML:

New York Times bestselling author Margaret Peterson Haddix takes readers on a thrilling adventure filled with mysteries and plot twists aplenty in this absorbing series about family and friendships. Perfect for fans of A Wrinkle in Time and The City of Ember!

What makes you you?

The Greystone kids thought they knew. Chess has always been the protector over his younger siblings, Emma loves math, and Finn does what Finn does best—acting silly and being adored. They've been a happy family, just the three of them and their mom.

But everything changes when reports of three kidnapped children reach the Greystone kids, and they're shocked by the startling similarities between themselves and these complete strangers. The other kids share their same first and middle names. They're the same ages. They even have identical birthdays. Who, exactly, are these strangers?

Before Chess, Emma, and Finn can question their mom about it, she takes off on a sudden work trip and leaves them in the care of Ms. Morales and her daughter, Natalie. But puzzling clues left behind lead to complex codes, hidden rooms, and a dangerous secret that will turn their world upside down.

Praise for The Strangers:

"A secret-stacked, thrilling series opener about perception, personal memories, and the idiosyncrasies that form individual identities." (Publishers Weekly, starred review)

* Winter 2018–2019 Kids' Indie Next List Pick * Indie Bestseller * Time for Kids Book Club: Top 10 Summer Reads * PW Best Books 2019 * Texas Bluebonnet Award List 2020-2021 * 2020 LITA Excellence in Children's and Young Adult Science Fiction Notable Book: The Eleanor Cameron Notable Middle Grade Books List *


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