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Das klassische arabische Pferd

von Judith Forbis

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26Keine916,929 (4.25)1
The beauty, grace, and uniformity of these magnificent horses, bred selectively for centuries, are unexcelled, and every Arabian owner will agree that there is a spiritual bond and kinship between the Arabian horse and its master such as exists with no other breed.This is the most comprehensive and authoritative work on its subject. The author traces Arabians from 1580 B.C. to the present and through all the countries where they have been bred. Over 200 photographs and reproductions of ancient and modern art depict the great horses of the past and present, the conditions under which they were kept, how they were trained, and how the strains were developed. Drawings show the important points of the classic Arabian, and charts outline the major strains. The canvas on which the author has painted this panorama of the Arabian is large, and it is dedicated to the creative breeders, not only of the past and present, but especially of the future.… (mehr)
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The beauty, grace, and uniformity of these magnificent horses, bred selectively for centuries, are unexcelled, and every Arabian owner will agree that there is a spiritual bond and kinship between the Arabian horse and its master such as exists with no other breed.This is the most comprehensive and authoritative work on its subject. The author traces Arabians from 1580 B.C. to the present and through all the countries where they have been bred. Over 200 photographs and reproductions of ancient and modern art depict the great horses of the past and present, the conditions under which they were kept, how they were trained, and how the strains were developed. Drawings show the important points of the classic Arabian, and charts outline the major strains. The canvas on which the author has painted this panorama of the Arabian is large, and it is dedicated to the creative breeders, not only of the past and present, but especially of the future.

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