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Beauty and the Beast: Book 1 of the Frisky Fairy Tales

von Nikki Dean

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BOOK 1 OF 4 - END WITH A CLIFFHANGER. ALL 4 ARE PUBLISHED."Beauty and the Beast the way it should be told... with all of the naughty details. The full mini-series includes multiple enchantresses (one of whom is Belle's sister), ex-lovers, murder attempts, an epic battle and love scenes that will set your ereader aflame. Dean's retelling has ruined the original story for me - I just want this one!" - Amazon ReviewerBelle"His prisoner... forever? Never get married, or have children of my own? Absolutely not... but what about Papa? He's already sick, and would die in a fortnight. I have to make the deal. But I have a few conditions of my own."Sassy Belle is afraid she's toeing the line between bravery and insanity when she agrees to stay at the castle as Beast's prisoner, but sees little choice in it. Defying him at every turn, Belle refuses to be part of Beast's descent into madness, giving the cursed servants, and their master, a slender ray of hope. The Beast"What's wrong with her?! Demanding that I save her wretched horse and forbidding me to eat either of them... she thinks she can tell me what to do?! Not to mention raising her voice to me over her thieving father and the time he owes me. She's going to find out why you don't provoke the beast."Fully embracing his cursed form, Beast sees little point in pretending to be human anymore. So when this sexy, deliciously curvy beauty lands right in his lap, he intends to take advantage of the circumstances. However, she doesn't seem to be afraid of him, demanding that he act like a gentleman and keep his mouth, and his tongue, to himself. With his sanity, and that of his servants, hanging in the balance, how will he convince her to see him as anything more than a monster?This book is about 28,000 words and is part 1 in the Beauty and the Beast miniseries that takes place in the Frisky Fairy Tales world. It is intended for mature audiences due to sexual content.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonnichole5166, Teresita1292, Jkamps01, GanneC, Myst1que96
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BOOK 1 OF 4 - END WITH A CLIFFHANGER. ALL 4 ARE PUBLISHED."Beauty and the Beast the way it should be told... with all of the naughty details. The full mini-series includes multiple enchantresses (one of whom is Belle's sister), ex-lovers, murder attempts, an epic battle and love scenes that will set your ereader aflame. Dean's retelling has ruined the original story for me - I just want this one!" - Amazon ReviewerBelle"His prisoner... forever? Never get married, or have children of my own? Absolutely not... but what about Papa? He's already sick, and would die in a fortnight. I have to make the deal. But I have a few conditions of my own."Sassy Belle is afraid she's toeing the line between bravery and insanity when she agrees to stay at the castle as Beast's prisoner, but sees little choice in it. Defying him at every turn, Belle refuses to be part of Beast's descent into madness, giving the cursed servants, and their master, a slender ray of hope. The Beast"What's wrong with her?! Demanding that I save her wretched horse and forbidding me to eat either of them... she thinks she can tell me what to do?! Not to mention raising her voice to me over her thieving father and the time he owes me. She's going to find out why you don't provoke the beast."Fully embracing his cursed form, Beast sees little point in pretending to be human anymore. So when this sexy, deliciously curvy beauty lands right in his lap, he intends to take advantage of the circumstances. However, she doesn't seem to be afraid of him, demanding that he act like a gentleman and keep his mouth, and his tongue, to himself. With his sanity, and that of his servants, hanging in the balance, how will he convince her to see him as anything more than a monster?This book is about 28,000 words and is part 1 in the Beauty and the Beast miniseries that takes place in the Frisky Fairy Tales world. It is intended for mature audiences due to sexual content.

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