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A Collection of Fascinating Games and Puzzles: With Words, Numbers, Logic and Chess

von A V Murali

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Games and Puzzles have long history spanning several centuries. Some of the earliest games like dice and puzzles like Chinese rings are played even these days. Ancient games like chaturanga have undergone several transformations before taking their present forms.This book primarily deals with several new puzzles and games created by the author. An interesting variant of chess that places black and white on equal footing is described in the book. With its simple rules, it is easy to learn and play and offers many new variations in the game that are not available in standard chess. Many well-known problems like 8-queens, tower of Hanoi and knight's tour have been transformed into new forms for entertainment. The book describes more than 20 games and 120 puzzles covering a wide gamut of areas. The author presents 40 new variants of Sudoku and 20 new variants of slitherlink, among others. Game and puzzle enthusiasts will find many fascinating ideas in the areas of chess, words, numbers, logic and several others. If you are bored with same old games and puzzles and want to try out something new, this is the book for you.… (mehr)
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Games and Puzzles have long history spanning several centuries. Some of the earliest games like dice and puzzles like Chinese rings are played even these days. Ancient games like chaturanga have undergone several transformations before taking their present forms.This book primarily deals with several new puzzles and games created by the author. An interesting variant of chess that places black and white on equal footing is described in the book. With its simple rules, it is easy to learn and play and offers many new variations in the game that are not available in standard chess. Many well-known problems like 8-queens, tower of Hanoi and knight's tour have been transformed into new forms for entertainment. The book describes more than 20 games and 120 puzzles covering a wide gamut of areas. The author presents 40 new variants of Sudoku and 20 new variants of slitherlink, among others. Game and puzzle enthusiasts will find many fascinating ideas in the areas of chess, words, numbers, logic and several others. If you are bored with same old games and puzzles and want to try out something new, this is the book for you.

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