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Dimensional Analysis: Calculating Dosages Safely

von Tracy Horntvedt RN MSN BA

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Make dosage calculations easier to master with dimensional analysis. Dimensional analysis is an easy, systematic approach that shows you how to master simple to complex calculations with consistency and accuracy and reduce medication errors to ensure that drugs are administered safely and documented correctly. It eliminates the need to use other methods or perform lengthy, multi-step calculations.   Five Stars!! BEST BOOK EVER!!!!!"I just completed my first semester of nursing school and OMG I LOVE THIS BOOK! ... From barely passing to scoring 100's this book is a LIFE saver!!!!!!! BUY IT I TOTALLY RECOMMEND IT MAN YOU WILL PASS AND LOVE MATH WITH THIS BOOK."--Michael, Online Reviewer   Five Stars!! Buy it!"This book was suggested by my university to help me prepare for our med-math exam! This book goes step by step through the equations and helped me pass my exam on the first try! I'm not mathematically inclined but this book definitely made learning so much easier!"--S.B., Online Reviewer   Updated! Current patient safety and nursing standards, including regulations/laws, and use of electronic physician order entry and medication administration records (MARs) Updated! Real and simulated drug labels to help students become comfortable with gathering the information needed to calculate dosages accurately Enhanced! More examples of electronic orders and documentation Learning models, including the "4 Cs" approach to dosage calculations: compute, convert, conceptualize, and critically evaluate Over 1,000 practice problems 18 "Speed Challenge" chapter quizzes online to increase speed and accuracy Real-life scenarios that illustrate how to apply concepts to practice… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonAmyCHouck, zhuazhua88, SPSON-SI
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Make dosage calculations easier to master with dimensional analysis. Dimensional analysis is an easy, systematic approach that shows you how to master simple to complex calculations with consistency and accuracy and reduce medication errors to ensure that drugs are administered safely and documented correctly. It eliminates the need to use other methods or perform lengthy, multi-step calculations.   Five Stars!! BEST BOOK EVER!!!!!"I just completed my first semester of nursing school and OMG I LOVE THIS BOOK! ... From barely passing to scoring 100's this book is a LIFE saver!!!!!!! BUY IT I TOTALLY RECOMMEND IT MAN YOU WILL PASS AND LOVE MATH WITH THIS BOOK."--Michael, Online Reviewer   Five Stars!! Buy it!"This book was suggested by my university to help me prepare for our med-math exam! This book goes step by step through the equations and helped me pass my exam on the first try! I'm not mathematically inclined but this book definitely made learning so much easier!"--S.B., Online Reviewer   Updated! Current patient safety and nursing standards, including regulations/laws, and use of electronic physician order entry and medication administration records (MARs) Updated! Real and simulated drug labels to help students become comfortable with gathering the information needed to calculate dosages accurately Enhanced! More examples of electronic orders and documentation Learning models, including the "4 Cs" approach to dosage calculations: compute, convert, conceptualize, and critically evaluate Over 1,000 practice problems 18 "Speed Challenge" chapter quizzes online to increase speed and accuracy Real-life scenarios that illustrate how to apply concepts to practice

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