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SelfDesign: Nuturing Genius Through Natural Learning

von Brent Cameron

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One approach to resolving concerns for today's schooling system is to shift the focus of learning onto human experience, onto individual responsibility, and onto collaborative interpersonal relationships. The latest research in human development underscores the importance of this consideration. 'Self-directed learning' and 'unschooling' are two emerging trends in education, referring to learning at one's own pace and in the order and style that best suit the child. In this book, Cameron shows how a group of children and youth discovered personal fulfillment. This book will undoubtedly guide and encourage parents, but it will also do much more. The book provides evidence that all of us can discover new ways of understanding our own lives. This work is not a redesign of conventional education. Simply, it begins with the question, 'How do human beings learn?' By implementing the theories of natural learning, we can transform the possibilities for our children, our families, and our communities -- and in that process, increase our own potential.… (mehr)
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One approach to resolving concerns for today's schooling system is to shift the focus of learning onto human experience, onto individual responsibility, and onto collaborative interpersonal relationships. The latest research in human development underscores the importance of this consideration. 'Self-directed learning' and 'unschooling' are two emerging trends in education, referring to learning at one's own pace and in the order and style that best suit the child. In this book, Cameron shows how a group of children and youth discovered personal fulfillment. This book will undoubtedly guide and encourage parents, but it will also do much more. The book provides evidence that all of us can discover new ways of understanding our own lives. This work is not a redesign of conventional education. Simply, it begins with the question, 'How do human beings learn?' By implementing the theories of natural learning, we can transform the possibilities for our children, our families, and our communities -- and in that process, increase our own potential.

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