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One good deed von David Baldacci
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One good deed (Original 2019; 2019. Auflage)

von David Baldacci

Reihen: Aloysius Archer (1)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
1,2654215,932 (3.9)19
It's 1949. When war veteran Aloysius Archer is released from Carderock Prison, he is sent to Poca City on parole with a short list of do's and a much longer list of don'ts: do report regularly to his parole officer, don't go to bars, certainly don't drink alcohol, do get a job -- and don't ever associate with loose women. The small town quickly proves more complicated and dangerous than Archer's years serving in the war or his time in jail. Within a single night, his search for gainful employment -- and a stiff drink -- leads him to a local bar, where he is hired for what seems like a simple job: to collect a debt owed to a powerful local businessman, Hank Pittleman. Soon Archer discovers that recovering the debt won't be so easy. The indebted man has a furious grudge against Hank and refuses to pay; Hank's clever mistress has her own designs on Archer; and both Hank and Archer's stern parole officer, Miss Crabtree, are keeping a sharp eye on him. When a murder takes place right under Archer's nose, police suspicions rise against the ex-convict, and Archer realizes that the crime could send him right back to prison... if he doesn't use every skill in his arsenal to track down the real killer.… (mehr)
Titel:One good deed
Autoren:David Baldacci
Info:New York : Grand Central Publishing, 2019.
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


One Good Deed von David Baldacci (2019)

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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Synopsis: 'It's 1949. When war veteran Aloysius Archer is released from Carderock Prison, he is sent to Poca City on parole with a short list of do's and don'ts: do report regularly to his parole officer, don't go to bars, certainly don't drink alcohol, do get a job - and don't ever associate with loose women.
The small town quickly proves more complicated and dangerous than Archer's years serving in the war or his time in jail. Within a single night, his search for gainful employment - and a stiff rink - leads him to a local bar, where he is hired for what seems like a simple job: to collect a debt owed to a powerful local businessman, Hank Pittleman.
Soon Archer discovers that recovering the debt won't be so easy. The indebted man has a furious grudge against Hank and refuses to pay; Hank's clever mistress has her own designs on Archer; and both Hank and Archer's stern parole officer, Miss Crabtree, are keeping a sharp eye on him.
When a murder takes place right under Archer's nose, police suspicions rise against the ex-convict, and Archer realizes that the crime could send him right back to prison...if he doesn't use every skill in his arsenal to track down the real killer.' From book jacket

Review: This was a really good story and did a good job of providing a setting for the stories yet to come. ( )
  DrLed | Sep 1, 2023 |
Not what I expected but very enjoyable. ( )
  MustangGuy | Aug 16, 2023 |
One Good Deed is unlike any of the Baldacci books. This book is different. It takes place after WWII. The characters are believable. The settings are believable. The storyline is not violent or brutal. Four stars were awarded to this book. ( )
  lbswiener | Mar 30, 2023 |
While I don't typically make crime stories my first choice, I've read many others by this author and felt the 1949 time period was unique. Baldacci is a master when it comes to pacing, plot twists and momentum, and he delivers on all fronts. Written in third party similar to others from the time period, the reader is immersed, engaged and thrown curve balls. Add to that a recent paroled criminal who unlike most, lives with integrity, the makings for a great story unfold. While the basic story line isn't unique, the manner in which it's delivered overcomes the familiarity. Engaging and evocative this is a book any crime fan will enjoy! ( )
  Jonathan5 | Feb 20, 2023 |
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To Ben Sevier, for believing
in both me and Aloysius Archer
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IT WAS A GOOD DAY to be free of prison.
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It's 1949. When war veteran Aloysius Archer is released from Carderock Prison, he is sent to Poca City on parole with a short list of do's and a much longer list of don'ts: do report regularly to his parole officer, don't go to bars, certainly don't drink alcohol, do get a job -- and don't ever associate with loose women. The small town quickly proves more complicated and dangerous than Archer's years serving in the war or his time in jail. Within a single night, his search for gainful employment -- and a stiff drink -- leads him to a local bar, where he is hired for what seems like a simple job: to collect a debt owed to a powerful local businessman, Hank Pittleman. Soon Archer discovers that recovering the debt won't be so easy. The indebted man has a furious grudge against Hank and refuses to pay; Hank's clever mistress has her own designs on Archer; and both Hank and Archer's stern parole officer, Miss Crabtree, are keeping a sharp eye on him. When a murder takes place right under Archer's nose, police suspicions rise against the ex-convict, and Archer realizes that the crime could send him right back to prison... if he doesn't use every skill in his arsenal to track down the real killer.

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Durchschnitt: (3.9)
1 4
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3 42
3.5 10
4 91
4.5 12
5 43

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