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The Fairy Rebel von Lynne Reid Banks
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The Fairy Rebel (Original 1985; 2004. Auflage)

von Lynne Reid Banks (Autor)

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6481837,404 (4.02)2 / 11
A rebellious fairy named Tiki, already in trouble for breaking the rule against wearing jeans, risks the further wrath of the Fairy Queen by trying to fulfill a human's special request for help.
Titel:The Fairy Rebel
Autoren:Lynne Reid Banks (Autor)
Info:Yearling (2004), 128 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Fairy Rebel von Lynne Reid Banks (1985)

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» Siehe auch 11 Erwähnungen/Diskussionen

The Fairy Queen strictly forbids fairies from using their magic power on humans. But after Tiki accidentally meets Jan, a woman who is desperate for a baby daughter, she finds it impossible to resist fulfilling her wish. Now up against the dark and vicious power of evil, this fairy rebel must face the Queen’s fury with frightening and possibly fatal results. ( )
  LynneQuan | Aug 5, 2024 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Jan was once a famous dance but she was in an accident and injured her leg. She had a limp after that and couldn't dance anymore. After she got hurt she met Charlie the love of her life. Jan was always a little sad and lonely since she couldn't do much because of her limp. Jan and Charlie wanted to have a baby but couldn't. One day Jan met a fairy in her garden. She did not ask the fairy for a baby but she told the fairy about wanting a baby and not being able to have one. The fairy made her pregnant with her dream baby by using magic on her which was forbidden for fairies to use magic on humans. After this Jan, Charlie, their child Bindi, Tiki the fairy, and Wijic (Tiki's elf lover) come together to fight the fairy queen who turns out to be pretty evil. I read this story with my mom when I was very young but I don't remember much about it. Reading it again as an adult was amazing, the story is very elaborate and deep. There is even some sketched pictures in it that make it fun for young readers. There is a lot of big concepts in the story like depression, forbidden love, and dictatorship. This book uses some hard vocabulary but the fairies have their own language and don't understand most feelings that aren't happy so the author uses this as a chance to explain most of the complicated vocabulary that is used. This story was really interesting and I think it would be a fun one to use when getting students interested in chapter books. ( )
  JacquelynLochner | Feb 16, 2020 |
This book was published in 1985 and it definitely has an older feel to the writing. It's a short book, with a small cast and modest setting. Jan and Charlie are wife and husband. Jan, a former actress, has a leg injury which causes her to limp. Consequently, she doesn't get out much and spends most of her time in her garden. One day, a fairy lands on her toe which is called "being earthed." You can't see fairies unless they touch you. From there a friendship forms, which is against the fairy rules. Tiki is a little bit of a rebel. She breaks the rules frequently. Her most reckless case of disobedience is offering to give Jan a child. The Fairy Queen punishes Tiki but Tiki proceeds anyway. Over the years, Tiki visits the child on her birthday, leaving a rose. Eventually the Fairy Queen has had enough of this mingling with humans and sends out her wasps to do them in.

I think kids will still read this today if they know about it, but they will definitely need the most current cover edition. I see this being an excellent choice for a read-aloud, especially as a bedtime story. ( )
  valorrmac | Sep 21, 2018 |
I did read this, but based on D's reveiew I must again.
Well, we all miss the point sometimes. Even D. She wonders about a bunch of stuff in the book, and then complains that it's bland. Well, if she'd read just a bit more carefully, and looked for the answers to her questions, she would have revealed to herself a whole little world of magic, wonder, and, yes, interesting individuals. I will concede that the title is a bit misleading because the fairy rebel doesn't actually get the majority of the pages... but without her courage none of the rest of the story would have happened, and none of the other characters would have been worth writing about (so to speak). Besides, she does have plenty of lines; it's not as if she's just a background catalyst.

Anyway, I very much enjoyed my reread and wouldn't be surprised to find myself reading it again in the future. Recommended for 8-11 yo girls and boys, and for anyone who is in touch with their inner 'tween. Especially good for those families who are accustomed to reading aloud together. ( )
  Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Jun 6, 2016 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (4 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Lynne Reid BanksHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Maitz, DonUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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A rebellious fairy named Tiki, already in trouble for breaking the rule against wearing jeans, risks the further wrath of the Fairy Queen by trying to fulfill a human's special request for help.

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