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Scriptural Insights and Commentary: The New Testament

von Taylor Halverson

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"Discover anew the power of scripture study in Scriptural Insights and Commentary: The New Testament, an engaging volume designed to reinvigorate personal study and application. Broaden your perspective alongside gospel scholar Dr. Taylor Halverson as he draws on decades of his own study and scholarship to bring to life the scriptural history of the New Testament. This vivid narrative offers readers a unique look at the world during New Testament times, beginning with the centuries-long period between Malachi and Matthew. What follows is an in-depth discussion of the lesser-known details behind key sections of the new Testament and the eternal truths to be gleaned from them ... In a world awash with strife, it is more important than ever to improve scriptural literacy and gain a personal witness of the truths found in holy scriptures."--… (mehr)
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"Discover anew the power of scripture study in Scriptural Insights and Commentary: The New Testament, an engaging volume designed to reinvigorate personal study and application. Broaden your perspective alongside gospel scholar Dr. Taylor Halverson as he draws on decades of his own study and scholarship to bring to life the scriptural history of the New Testament. This vivid narrative offers readers a unique look at the world during New Testament times, beginning with the centuries-long period between Malachi and Matthew. What follows is an in-depth discussion of the lesser-known details behind key sections of the new Testament and the eternal truths to be gleaned from them ... In a world awash with strife, it is more important than ever to improve scriptural literacy and gain a personal witness of the truths found in holy scriptures."--

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