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The Solid Place: 365 Affirmations for Thriving Emotionally and Spiritually

von Margot Starbuck

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Experiences from your past-loss, pain, suffering, trauma-have bullied you into believing lies about who you are, who others are, and who God is. God's truth, though, sets you free. When the voice that lies hisses to your heart, this collection of brief daily affirmations-typically just 5-12 words-equip you to remain grounded in what is most true. Each day's affirmation is rooted in a daily Scripture and is supported by a half-page reflection for more robust nourishment. In this New Expanded Edition of The Solid Place, you'll find: 365 affirmations you can hold in your heart throughout the day, a Scripture index for various spiritual and emotional needs, and a guided reflection section called "Going Deeper." These journaling prompts help you identify the lies you've believed and how to replace them with God's truth. Live, daily, rooted in what is most true about you, others, and God.… (mehr)
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Experiences from your past-loss, pain, suffering, trauma-have bullied you into believing lies about who you are, who others are, and who God is. God's truth, though, sets you free. When the voice that lies hisses to your heart, this collection of brief daily affirmations-typically just 5-12 words-equip you to remain grounded in what is most true. Each day's affirmation is rooted in a daily Scripture and is supported by a half-page reflection for more robust nourishment. In this New Expanded Edition of The Solid Place, you'll find: 365 affirmations you can hold in your heart throughout the day, a Scripture index for various spiritual and emotional needs, and a guided reflection section called "Going Deeper." These journaling prompts help you identify the lies you've believed and how to replace them with God's truth. Live, daily, rooted in what is most true about you, others, and God.

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