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Type Idea Index: The Designer's…
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Type Idea Index: The Designer's Ultimate Tool for Choosing and Using Fonts Creatively (2006. Auflage)

von Jim Krause

Reihen: Design Idea Index (5)

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Type Idea Index is a tool - an idea-generating, horizon-expanding, knowledge-broadening power-tool that can be used to boost the creative output of designers, illustrators and anyone else who uses type. The basic principle behind Type Idea Index is simple: ideas breed ideas. If you are looking for new ways of employing type in your works of art and design (or new twists to apply to your current typographic techniques), check out Type Idea Index. You'll find yourself face-to-face with 650+ custom-created, idea-sparking examples of typography and type-intensive design. For maximum user-friendliness, these samples are organized according to the theme they express (Energy, Elegance, Order, Rebellion) and the sort of real-world application they relate to (initials, monograms, logos, headlines, paragraphs). Expand your knowledge of type and brainstorm for ideas every time you design with letters and words. Type Idea Index is the sixth installment in the best-selling, globally popular Index series by Jim Krause.… (mehr)
Titel:Type Idea Index: The Designer's Ultimate Tool for Choosing and Using Fonts Creatively
Autoren:Jim Krause
Info:How (2006), Turtleback, 360 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Type Idea Index: The Designer's Ultimate Tool for Choosing and Using Fonts Creatively von Jim Krause

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Type Idea Index is a tool - an idea-generating, horizon-expanding, knowledge-broadening power-tool that can be used to boost the creative output of designers, illustrators and anyone else who uses type. The basic principle behind Type Idea Index is simple: ideas breed ideas. If you are looking for new ways of employing type in your works of art and design (or new twists to apply to your current typographic techniques), check out Type Idea Index. You'll find yourself face-to-face with 650+ custom-created, idea-sparking examples of typography and type-intensive design. For maximum user-friendliness, these samples are organized according to the theme they express (Energy, Elegance, Order, Rebellion) and the sort of real-world application they relate to (initials, monograms, logos, headlines, paragraphs). Expand your knowledge of type and brainstorm for ideas every time you design with letters and words. Type Idea Index is the sixth installment in the best-selling, globally popular Index series by Jim Krause.

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