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Speech Communications: Human and Machine (Addison-Wesley Series in Electrical Engineering)

von Douglas O'Shaughnessy

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"Today the wireless communications industry is heavily dependent upon advanced speech coding techniques, while the integration of personal computers and voice technology is poised for growth. In this revised and updated second edition, a timely overview of the science of speech processing helps you keep pace with these rapidly developing advances. Students of electrical engineering, along with computer scientists, systems engineers, linguists, audiologists, and psychologists, will find in this one concise volume an interdisciplinary introduction to speech communication. This reference book addresses how humans generate and interpret speech and how machines simulate human speech performance and code speech for efficient transmission. With a skillful blending of the basic principles and technical detail underlying speech communication, this broad-based book offers you essential insights into the field. You will learn state-of-the-art techniques to analyze, code, recognize, and synthesize speech. In addition, you will gain a better understanding of the limits of today's technology and an informed view of future trends for speech research. SPEECH COMMUNICATIONS brings you an integrated approach to human and machine speech production and perception that is unmatched in the field. This book is complete with up-to-date references and Web addresses that will lead you to a wealth of resources for your own research into speech communication."… (mehr)
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"Today the wireless communications industry is heavily dependent upon advanced speech coding techniques, while the integration of personal computers and voice technology is poised for growth. In this revised and updated second edition, a timely overview of the science of speech processing helps you keep pace with these rapidly developing advances. Students of electrical engineering, along with computer scientists, systems engineers, linguists, audiologists, and psychologists, will find in this one concise volume an interdisciplinary introduction to speech communication. This reference book addresses how humans generate and interpret speech and how machines simulate human speech performance and code speech for efficient transmission. With a skillful blending of the basic principles and technical detail underlying speech communication, this broad-based book offers you essential insights into the field. You will learn state-of-the-art techniques to analyze, code, recognize, and synthesize speech. In addition, you will gain a better understanding of the limits of today's technology and an informed view of future trends for speech research. SPEECH COMMUNICATIONS brings you an integrated approach to human and machine speech production and perception that is unmatched in the field. This book is complete with up-to-date references and Web addresses that will lead you to a wealth of resources for your own research into speech communication."

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