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Finding Your Higher Self: Your Guide to Cannabis for Self-Care

von Sophie Saint Thomas

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Incorporate the calming effects of cannabis into your self-care routine with more than 100 activities for an elevated sense of wellbeing. Self-care is an important part of modern-day life, as we all strive to slow down and take better care of our minds, bodies, and souls. Now you can add some THC (or CBD) to your TLC--whether you prefer a warm bath with essential oils, lit by candlelight, and topped off with a soothing lungful of calming cannabis or relaxing in child's pose, prefaced by a few gentle doses of your vape pen, this book has advice for infusing your day with the healing and soothing power of marijuana. Use cannabis to unwind as a healthy alternative to a glass of wine or try adding it into your meditation practice, yoga session, or your bathing rituals to maximize your quiet moments. Finding Your Higher Self includes a multitude of activities to enjoy throughout the day when you need some "me" time. Featuring activities like: --Practice the Four-Flower Power Breath --Give Yourself a Massage with Cannabis Oil --Enjoy a Flower-Fueled Face Mask --Try a Medicated Meditation After a Really Rough Day Finding Your Higher Self offers all the tips and tricks needed to integrate weed into your self-care routine so you can further benefit your relationship with yourself and others and find time to truly relax.… (mehr)
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Incorporate the calming effects of cannabis into your self-care routine with more than 100 activities for an elevated sense of wellbeing. Self-care is an important part of modern-day life, as we all strive to slow down and take better care of our minds, bodies, and souls. Now you can add some THC (or CBD) to your TLC--whether you prefer a warm bath with essential oils, lit by candlelight, and topped off with a soothing lungful of calming cannabis or relaxing in child's pose, prefaced by a few gentle doses of your vape pen, this book has advice for infusing your day with the healing and soothing power of marijuana. Use cannabis to unwind as a healthy alternative to a glass of wine or try adding it into your meditation practice, yoga session, or your bathing rituals to maximize your quiet moments. Finding Your Higher Self includes a multitude of activities to enjoy throughout the day when you need some "me" time. Featuring activities like: --Practice the Four-Flower Power Breath --Give Yourself a Massage with Cannabis Oil --Enjoy a Flower-Fueled Face Mask --Try a Medicated Meditation After a Really Rough Day Finding Your Higher Self offers all the tips and tricks needed to integrate weed into your self-care routine so you can further benefit your relationship with yourself and others and find time to truly relax.

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