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The Monocle Guide to Shops, Kiosks and Markets (Monocle Book Collection)

von Monocle

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Monocle's latest book unpacks what makes a perfect shopping experience and offers tips on how to launch, design and run your own store. A must-have guide.The world of retail has never been so ­challenged thanks to a mix of e-commerce, unimaginative brand owners and greedy landlords. Yet while many stores have ­stumbled, a new generation of storekeepers and department store owners is arising. Is this the dawn of a new, independent age of bricks and mortar retail?Since launch the retail world has been one of the pillars of Monocle's editorial ­coverage. On their travels around the world, the magazine's editors are constantly looking for well-designed fit-outs, the people setting new benchmarks in service and the stores offering the smartest product mix.At the heart of all this is an understanding that a memorable shopping experience relies on a delicate balance of an inviting space, a warm welcome and a sense of discovery (not to mention covetable products)--but an understanding, too, that shops and shopkeepers play an indispensable role in creating lively neighbourhoods and vibrant high streets.

This new book from Monocle reveals the global media brand's 100 favourite shops worldwide, from the independent fashion boutique to the department store that takes up a city block. It also offers a few top tips and advice on how to launch and run your own retail venture, as well as a collection of sharp essays and snappy interviews. The Monocle Guide to Shops, Kiosks and Markets is a handbook for any aspiring shopkeeper, stocking a wealth of insight and inspiration.… (mehr)
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Monocle's latest book unpacks what makes a perfect shopping experience and offers tips on how to launch, design and run your own store. A must-have guide.The world of retail has never been so ­challenged thanks to a mix of e-commerce, unimaginative brand owners and greedy landlords. Yet while many stores have ­stumbled, a new generation of storekeepers and department store owners is arising. Is this the dawn of a new, independent age of bricks and mortar retail?Since launch the retail world has been one of the pillars of Monocle's editorial ­coverage. On their travels around the world, the magazine's editors are constantly looking for well-designed fit-outs, the people setting new benchmarks in service and the stores offering the smartest product mix.At the heart of all this is an understanding that a memorable shopping experience relies on a delicate balance of an inviting space, a warm welcome and a sense of discovery (not to mention covetable products)--but an understanding, too, that shops and shopkeepers play an indispensable role in creating lively neighbourhoods and vibrant high streets.

This new book from Monocle reveals the global media brand's 100 favourite shops worldwide, from the independent fashion boutique to the department store that takes up a city block. It also offers a few top tips and advice on how to launch and run your own retail venture, as well as a collection of sharp essays and snappy interviews. The Monocle Guide to Shops, Kiosks and Markets is a handbook for any aspiring shopkeeper, stocking a wealth of insight and inspiration.

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