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Hello, Summer von Mary Kay Andrews
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Hello, Summer (2021. Auflage)

von Mary Kay Andrews (Autor)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
4772753,713 (3.83)4
Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:

"Kathleen McInerney narrates a charming story that transports listeners to the sunny beaches of Florida...McInerney slips a slight Southern accent into her narration that works well." AudioFile Magazine
New York Times bestselling author and Queen of the Beach Reads Mary Kay Andrews delivers her next blockbuster, Hello Summer.
It's a new season...
Conley Hawkins left her family's small town newspaper, The Silver Bay Beacon, in the rearview mirror years ago. Now a star reporter for a big-city paper, Conley is exactly where she wants to be and is about to take a fancy new position in Washington, D.C. Or so she thinks.
For small town scandals...
When the new job goes up in smoke, Conley finds herself right back where she started, working for her sister, who is trying to keep The Silver Bay Beacon afloatand she doesn't exactly have warm feelings for Conley. Soon she is given the unenviable task of overseeing the local gossip column, "Hello, Summer."
And big-time secrets.
Then Conley witnesses an accident that ends in the death of a local congressmana beloved war hero with a shady past. The more she digs into the story, the more dangerous it gets. As an old heartbreaker causes trouble and a new flame ignites, it soon looks like their sleepy beach town is the most scandalous hotspot of the summer.
A Macmillan Audio production from St. Martin's Press

.… (mehr)
Titel:Hello, Summer
Autoren:Mary Kay Andrews (Autor)
Info:Griffin (2021), 496 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade


Hello, Summer von Mary Kay Andrews

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Small Town mystery Cute ( )
  hellokirsti | Jan 3, 2024 |
HELLO, SUMMER by Mary Kay Andrews
This is a bit of a change for Andrews. She usually writes slightly humorous romances with a bit od a mystery. This one is a mystery and family drama with a bit of humor and romance. It is also slightly longer than her usual 300 page length.
That said. I really enjoyed this mystery. The characters were “real”, the conversations seemed “normal”, the situations were believable. The political/journalistic themes resonated well. I liked that the characters seemed to grow and change as events unfolded. Altogether a good book with some adult themes – divorce, job loss, old flames and enemies, political intrigue, family businesses and dynasties, corrupt cops, and more. A good discussion starter for book clubs.
5 of 5 stars ( )
  beckyhaase | Sep 25, 2022 |
This isn't the first book by this author that I've read, and it certainly won't be the last. I really love how she brings the area I live in to life, and makes you a part of the story. You really get to know the sisters, and what has come between them. There some truly memorable characters here, for better or worse, and the story certainly doesn't disappoint with unexpected twists and turns. The mystery at the heart of it all doesn't overshadow the family connections being made (or broken!), but it does, in fact, affect them. Conley had so much ground to make up to bridge who she was with who she is versus the who she wants to be...but in the end, she not only gets the big scoop, but also grows to understand that not all things small town are truly small, and it certainly doesn't change their importance.

**ARC received for review; opinions are my own ( )
  GRgenius | Jul 31, 2022 |
Hello Summer! I went into this without knowing what I was facing, but quickly discovered that this was a great read! Part mystery, part romance, part contemporary! Being my first book by this author, I was quickly sucked into small town life as our main character travels back home and is quickly put to work when the local congressman winds up dead.

The only thing I think I can find negative is that I wish we could have known a little more motive for the radio guy's actions, Bobby. Was he trying to redeem himself?

If you love supportive grandmas, small towns, light mysteries, fast paced action... then this is the perfect beach read for you! ( )
  Jynell | Feb 24, 2022 |
Mary Kay Andrews has been really hit or miss for me the last few years, with a couple of very average efforts, and one downright bomb coming across my shelves, but Hissy Fit is one of my favourite reads, so I keep coming back for more.

I found Hello Summer at the library and I expected another meh read, but I find myself in the mood for the quirky characters and the Southern setting she writes in, so I sat down with it thinking I’d set the appropriate expectations.

And found myself a little bit surprised. It’s chock full of the quirky characters, and the North Florida setting is par for the course; it’s definitely not up to Hissy Fit standards, but it’s also a lot better than her other recent efforts I’ve read. There’s a bit of mystery here, a very solid plot, and although the book is labeled “romance”, I think romance readers would be disappointed. There is a romance, but it’s really back-burner stuff – the congressman’s death is always front-and-center.

The story starts slow, and much like her most recent release, The Santa Suit, the character does not come across sympathetically. Fortunately for Hello Summer, it had about 350 pages more to make Conley (the MC) relatable. I was feeling ambivalent about her and the book until the car wreck/death occurred, but from there the story hooked me.

Still, this was not a great book. It might have been a great book, had the characters been better developed, something that might have been possible had there been fewer of them, and better editing overall. I found at least half a dozen inconsistencies spread out in the story that jarred me out of scenes, and what little romance there was felt lukewarm at best.

I went 3.5 stars because the plot was really good. Had this been a first book, I’d even be a little gushy about it. But it’s not even a 10th book and I know Andrews is capable of much better writing; she’s certainly had enough practice.

I have another couple of her recent titles, and this one was good enough that I’ll keep on reading and hoping. ( )
  murderbydeath | Feb 9, 2022 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:

"Kathleen McInerney narrates a charming story that transports listeners to the sunny beaches of Florida...McInerney slips a slight Southern accent into her narration that works well." AudioFile Magazine
New York Times bestselling author and Queen of the Beach Reads Mary Kay Andrews delivers her next blockbuster, Hello Summer.
It's a new season...
Conley Hawkins left her family's small town newspaper, The Silver Bay Beacon, in the rearview mirror years ago. Now a star reporter for a big-city paper, Conley is exactly where she wants to be and is about to take a fancy new position in Washington, D.C. Or so she thinks.
For small town scandals...
When the new job goes up in smoke, Conley finds herself right back where she started, working for her sister, who is trying to keep The Silver Bay Beacon afloatand she doesn't exactly have warm feelings for Conley. Soon she is given the unenviable task of overseeing the local gossip column, "Hello, Summer."
And big-time secrets.
Then Conley witnesses an accident that ends in the death of a local congressmana beloved war hero with a shady past. The more she digs into the story, the more dangerous it gets. As an old heartbreaker causes trouble and a new flame ignites, it soon looks like their sleepy beach town is the most scandalous hotspot of the summer.
A Macmillan Audio production from St. Martin's Press


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Durchschnitt: (3.83)
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