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Doctor Who's Greatest Hits: An Unauthorized Guide to the Best Stories From Time and Space

von R. Alan Siler

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A race of war machines who conquer the Earth in the 22nd Century; a brilliant painter who sees the world in a unique way; a reptilian species that sees the Earth as theirs and and intends to reclaim it; a time-traveling archaeology professor who never meets the Doctor in the right order; a dangerous world leader who bears a striking resemblance to the Doctor; murderous circus clowns; wind up toy soldiers; wind up service robots; and the Doctor as a little boy.With over 50 years of television stories, DOCTOR WHO has introduced its audience to some of the strangest creatures, weirdest places, and most dangerous times. DOCTOR WHO's GREATEST HITS takes a loving look at some of the Doctor's most memorable adventures. From Autons to Zygons, from Hartnell to Capaldi, this book has something for everyone, whether you're new to the show or a longtime viewer.… (mehr)
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A race of war machines who conquer the Earth in the 22nd Century; a brilliant painter who sees the world in a unique way; a reptilian species that sees the Earth as theirs and and intends to reclaim it; a time-traveling archaeology professor who never meets the Doctor in the right order; a dangerous world leader who bears a striking resemblance to the Doctor; murderous circus clowns; wind up toy soldiers; wind up service robots; and the Doctor as a little boy.With over 50 years of television stories, DOCTOR WHO has introduced its audience to some of the strangest creatures, weirdest places, and most dangerous times. DOCTOR WHO's GREATEST HITS takes a loving look at some of the Doctor's most memorable adventures. From Autons to Zygons, from Hartnell to Capaldi, this book has something for everyone, whether you're new to the show or a longtime viewer.

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