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The English Wife: The international best…
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The English Wife: The international best selling, sweeping and emotional historical romance novel (2020. Auflage)

von Adrienne Chinn (Autor)

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526510,826 (3.64)Keine
Two women, a world apart. A secret waiting to be discovered... VE Day 1945: As victory bells ring out across the country, war bride Ellie Burgess' happiness is overshadowed by grief. Her charismatic Newfoundlander husband Thomas is still missing in action.   Until a letter arrives explaining Thomas is back at home on the other side of the Atlantic recovering from his injuries. Travelling to a distant country to live with a man she barely knows is the bravest thing Ellie has ever had to do. But nothing can prepare her for the harsh realities of her new home... September 11th 2001: Sophie Parry is on a plane to New York on the most tragic day in the city's history. While the world watches the news in horror, Sophie's flight is rerouted to a tiny town in Newfoundland and she is forced to seek refuge with her estranged aunt Ellie.   Determined to discover what it was that forced her family apart all those years ago, newfound secrets may change her life forever...   This is a timeless story of love, sacrifice and resilience perfect for fans of Lorna Cook and Gill Paul. What readers are saying about The English Wife: 'An emotive and engaging read' Rosanna Ley 'Rich, evocative and utterly immersive, this beautifully written book swept me away' Jenny Ashcroft "An epic tale of family, tragedy & love... I highly recommend this book!!" Books, Wine, Cats 5* "This story is so sensual and so touching... The sense of suspense makes this story a page turner! Highly recommend this book, especially if you're looking for a WWII era book without all of the historical stuff" To Read is to Breathe, 5* "I couldn't put it down. It was not your typical historical novel & I think that's what I loved about it. Great book!" Dabbookclub, 4* "A book that drew me in from the first pages! The characters come alive, they're so well written. Fans of historic fiction will love this story. An author to follow" Consumer review, 4*… (mehr)
Titel:The English Wife: The international best selling, sweeping and emotional historical romance novel
Autoren:Adrienne Chinn (Autor)
Info:One More Chapter (2020), 449 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade
Tags:WWII, Newfoundland


The English Wife von Adrienne Chinn

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World War 2
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
warning - caution about Suicide
  Trekeive | Apr 17, 2021 |
Sophie’s flight to NYC has been diverted to Newfoundland. She is not very happy about it…at all. She must get to NYC for an interview. However, this diversion takes her on a quest to learn more about her family history and to possibly discover love in the process.

I enjoyed the setting on this one. You do not read too many books set in Newfoundland. I also loved the 9/11 segment. But, the WWII part was a little boring and drawn out. The story comes together with quite a few twists and turns. But, there were sections which I struggled with. Now…this could be more about me than the author. I have read so many WWII books lately. I could just be ready for something new.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review. ( )
  fredreeca | Feb 16, 2021 |
Ellie is swept off her feet by Thomas, a soldier from the Newfoundland regiment, during World War II in Norwich, England. Thomas turns Ellie's life upside down with a whirlwind romance and quick elopement before he is sent off to war. Ellie doesn't receive another letter from Thomas until she learns that he has been injured and is now back home in Newfoundland recovering. Ellie packs up to leave the only home she has ever known with her newborn son, Emmett to forge a life in a new land with a man she barely knows.

September 11, 2001- Sophie Parry leaves London for New York. She is interviewing for her big break at an architecture firm. Unexpectedly, her plane is routed to the nearest airport in Newfoundland. Stuck in a small town and unable to reach her interview. Sophie seeks out her mother's sister that her family has long been estranged from. Sophie's Aunt Ellie welcomes her with open arms and introduces her to a family she never knew.

The English Wife is a multi-faceted historical fiction drama with dual timelines, intrigue, secrets and lies. I love a good dual-timeline and this one delivered. I loved that both Ellie and Sophie were tough, determined and willing to go against the grain. The writing was able to weave together Ellie's story in the 1940's along with her sister Dottie, her former fiance George and Thomas along with Ellie and Sophie in 2001 and 2011 in a way that I could easily follow. It was very interesting to see Ellie in the light of the 1940's and the 2000's; she was still very much herself, but different in many ways. Sophie was a surprising character, from the very beginning I knew that she had a difficult decision to make between sealing her career and destroying the family and town that she has just found. This created tension right from the beginning that carried throughout the story. As things progressed, secrets came out that changed my perspective as well as the characters. I really wish people would have stopped messing with Ellie's life; however, she seemed to come out ok in the end. In addition, I enjoyed Sam and Becca's characters as well as the town of Tippy's Tickle. I could imagine the houses, the seascapes and the songs of the whales singing.

This book was received for free in return for an honest review. ( )
  Mishker | Aug 17, 2020 |
I received an ARC of this book to read through NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. The English Wife by Adrienne Chinn is a sweeping historical fiction novel with strong romantic elements. The story covers the time from 1940 to 2011 and Is mainly the story of Ellie Burgess a young art student in Norwich England who during the war meets a soldier from Newfoundland named Thomas Parsons with whom she falls in love, and after the war journeys to an isolated fishing village in Newfoundland as a bride and young mother. The chapters move between the present and the past and tell the stories of Ellie’s estranged sister Dottie, George Parry, her former fiancé, and Sophie Parry, her niece who arrives in Tippy’s Tickle Newfoundland after her plane is forced to land at Gander on September 11, 2001. The story encompasses love of all sorts, the sacrifices we make for those we love and how secrets and lies weave a web of bitterness that can take generations to heal.
I enjoyed this book and do recommend it. Publishing Date: June 23, 2020 #TheEnglishWife #AdrienneChinn #HarperCollinsUK #OneMoreChapter #bookstagram #historicalfiction ( )
  nmgski | Jun 23, 2020 |
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Two women, a world apart. A secret waiting to be discovered... VE Day 1945: As victory bells ring out across the country, war bride Ellie Burgess' happiness is overshadowed by grief. Her charismatic Newfoundlander husband Thomas is still missing in action.   Until a letter arrives explaining Thomas is back at home on the other side of the Atlantic recovering from his injuries. Travelling to a distant country to live with a man she barely knows is the bravest thing Ellie has ever had to do. But nothing can prepare her for the harsh realities of her new home... September 11th 2001: Sophie Parry is on a plane to New York on the most tragic day in the city's history. While the world watches the news in horror, Sophie's flight is rerouted to a tiny town in Newfoundland and she is forced to seek refuge with her estranged aunt Ellie.   Determined to discover what it was that forced her family apart all those years ago, newfound secrets may change her life forever...   This is a timeless story of love, sacrifice and resilience perfect for fans of Lorna Cook and Gill Paul. What readers are saying about The English Wife: 'An emotive and engaging read' Rosanna Ley 'Rich, evocative and utterly immersive, this beautifully written book swept me away' Jenny Ashcroft "An epic tale of family, tragedy & love... I highly recommend this book!!" Books, Wine, Cats 5* "This story is so sensual and so touching... The sense of suspense makes this story a page turner! Highly recommend this book, especially if you're looking for a WWII era book without all of the historical stuff" To Read is to Breathe, 5* "I couldn't put it down. It was not your typical historical novel & I think that's what I loved about it. Great book!" Dabbookclub, 4* "A book that drew me in from the first pages! The characters come alive, they're so well written. Fans of historic fiction will love this story. An author to follow" Consumer review, 4*

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