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Vampire Doodle Diaries (Doodle Books)

von Simon Balley

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Finally, a doodle book with bite! Explore the dark side with The Vampire Doodle Diaries. Unique, unusual . . . undead! In recent years, vampires have captured our imaginations like never before. From Twilight to True Blood, vamps are scary, sexy, and utterly fascinating. And after reading about them and seeing them on the big and small screen, it's only natural that fans would want to create their own intriguing monsters . . . and now they can!   * The Vampire Doodle Diaries features more than 125 prompts and activities to help even the novice artist delve into the twilight of their creative souls. From bats to blood to fangs, this unusual drawing guide covers all aspects of the vampire phenomenon. * With easy-to-follow instructions and plenty of space for experimentation, The Vampire Doodle Diaries is the perfect place to unleash the images of every artist's underworld dreams.   Finally, The Vampire Doodle Diaries is here . . . a thrilling, chilling book you can really sink your teeth into!… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonDancerGensertFamily, MuhammedSalem

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Finally, a doodle book with bite! Explore the dark side with The Vampire Doodle Diaries. Unique, unusual . . . undead! In recent years, vampires have captured our imaginations like never before. From Twilight to True Blood, vamps are scary, sexy, and utterly fascinating. And after reading about them and seeing them on the big and small screen, it's only natural that fans would want to create their own intriguing monsters . . . and now they can!   * The Vampire Doodle Diaries features more than 125 prompts and activities to help even the novice artist delve into the twilight of their creative souls. From bats to blood to fangs, this unusual drawing guide covers all aspects of the vampire phenomenon. * With easy-to-follow instructions and plenty of space for experimentation, The Vampire Doodle Diaries is the perfect place to unleash the images of every artist's underworld dreams.   Finally, The Vampire Doodle Diaries is here . . . a thrilling, chilling book you can really sink your teeth into!

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