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Coffee Flower Coloring Book: Coloring Book…
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Coffee Flower Coloring Book: Coloring Book for Adults Relaxation - Coloring Book Made For Flower And Coffee Lovers (Coloring Book For Coffee Lovers) (2020. Auflage)

von The Relaxing Blend (Autor)

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Titel:Coffee Flower Coloring Book: Coloring Book for Adults Relaxation - Coloring Book Made For Flower And Coffee Lovers (Coloring Book For Coffee Lovers)
Autoren:The Relaxing Blend (Autor)
Info:Independently published (2020), 56 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Coffee Flower Coloring Book: Coloring Book for Adults Relaxation - Coloring Book Made For Flower And Coffee Lovers (Coloring Book For Coffee Lovers) von

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This book has a nice mix of images for those who like to color with a hot drink nearby! The lines are clean, and there's a variety of complexities to suit however much time you want to spend coloring. ( )
  Kathy_Moon | Aug 21, 2023 |
I love the size, detail and spacing of the flowers. It was just enough to easily color without worrying about lines, details or adding too much. I found myself dreading the empty space - it was intimidating! I don’t necessarily like to color outside the lines (get it) and make my own patters. I think if I colored more pages, I would avoid anywhere with quotes. ( )
  KellysLibraryCard | Jun 23, 2020 |
This colouring book has beautiful coffee related illustrations AND coffee facts to go with it! I love it! ( )
  lemonaleslie | Jun 12, 2020 |
Detailed pages of coffee cups and mugs with flowers. These are detailed just enough without being overly complex to color and each page has either a quote, trivia, or coffee recipes; which could easily be referenced back to for the recipes and trivia. ( )
  tdwells82 | Jun 8, 2020 |
For some, coffee is a beverage. To others, it's a lifestyle. If you fall into the latter category, this is the coloring book for you. Unlike most adult coloring books, which are fun to color but not much use afterwards, the creators of this book have made a point of creating art you'll actually want to hang up. Far from a simple thematic collection of line drawings, this book contains coffee quotes, fun facts, and (my personal favorite) recipes. I can't comment on the print or paper quality, as I received a PDF copy in a giveaway, but I can tell you that the artwork is gorgeous and the recipes are delicious. I'm looking forward to displaying the finished works in the kitchen, right beside my espresso machine. ( )
  faerybound | Jun 6, 2020 |
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