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Flow Architectures: The Future of Streaming…
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Flow Architectures: The Future of Streaming and Event-Driven Integration (2021. Auflage)

von James Urquhart (Autor)

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Dominated by streaming data and events, the next generation of software development optimizes not only how technology interacts but also how businesses integrate with one another to meet customer needs. This phenomenon, called flow , consists of patterns and standards that determine which activity and related data is communicated between parties over the internet. This book explores the critical implications of that evolution: What happens when event and data stream standards help you discover new activity sources to enhance existing businesses or drive new markets? What technologies and architectural patterns can position your company for opportunities enabled by flow? James Urquhart, global field CTO at Pivotal Cloud Foundry, guides enterprise architects, software developers, and product managers through: The business imperative for flow Why worldwide flow is likely to happen The factors that will enable flow in next 5–10 years What you can do to take advantage of worldwide flow as it evolves A Wardley map exploration that shows why worldwide flow is predictable… (mehr)
Titel:Flow Architectures: The Future of Streaming and Event-Driven Integration
Autoren:James Urquhart (Autor)
Info:O'Reilly Media (2021), Edition: 1, 254 pages
Sammlungen:Programming, Read and owned, Lese gerade


Flow Architectures: The Future of Streaming and Event-Driven Integration von James Urquhart

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Dominated by streaming data and events, the next generation of software development optimizes not only how technology interacts but also how businesses integrate with one another to meet customer needs. This phenomenon, called flow , consists of patterns and standards that determine which activity and related data is communicated between parties over the internet. This book explores the critical implications of that evolution: What happens when event and data stream standards help you discover new activity sources to enhance existing businesses or drive new markets? What technologies and architectural patterns can position your company for opportunities enabled by flow? James Urquhart, global field CTO at Pivotal Cloud Foundry, guides enterprise architects, software developers, and product managers through: The business imperative for flow Why worldwide flow is likely to happen The factors that will enable flow in next 5–10 years What you can do to take advantage of worldwide flow as it evolves A Wardley map exploration that shows why worldwide flow is predictable

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