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Iceland from the West to the South (GeoGuide)

von Wolfgang Fraedrich

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The book thoroughly describes Iceland’s geological development and its current geological processes, taking into account both geographic and geo-ecological aspects. Furthermore, it includes suggested excursions especially for individual tours. The most popular tourist “highlights” (e.g. the Golden Circle with þingvellir, Gullfoss and Geyser) should certainly not be excluded. But there is so much more to explore apart from the main tourist routes - and sometimes only a few kilometers away. Examining various regions of the country, each proposed stop is sufficiently described so that it is easily accessible (especially for individual tourists). A wealth of maps, graphics and images illustrate and supplement the coverage. This invaluable guide is aimed in particular at individual tourists to Iceland. It provides those tourists wishing to explore Iceland on their own with a wide range of suggestions for their trip. In addition, numerous excursion suggestions for the west, southwest and south, including the Westman Islands, are described in detail.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonNicholos63, epawson3
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The book thoroughly describes Iceland’s geological development and its current geological processes, taking into account both geographic and geo-ecological aspects. Furthermore, it includes suggested excursions especially for individual tours. The most popular tourist “highlights” (e.g. the Golden Circle with þingvellir, Gullfoss and Geyser) should certainly not be excluded. But there is so much more to explore apart from the main tourist routes - and sometimes only a few kilometers away. Examining various regions of the country, each proposed stop is sufficiently described so that it is easily accessible (especially for individual tourists). A wealth of maps, graphics and images illustrate and supplement the coverage. This invaluable guide is aimed in particular at individual tourists to Iceland. It provides those tourists wishing to explore Iceland on their own with a wide range of suggestions for their trip. In addition, numerous excursion suggestions for the west, southwest and south, including the Westman Islands, are described in detail.

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