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A Window to the Russian Soul: Ancient Folk Wisdom for Modern Life (Worldbuilding Book 3)

von Nicholas Kotar

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What if you could find answers to the problems of modern life in the wisdom of the past?Perpetually distracted, increasingly over-medicated, and lonelier than ever, we still think we are the most progressive people in history. But scratch the surface, and you'll see that our world is like a house built on sand. That's why many people are turning to the past for comforting wisdom to inform the future. In this book, you'll find a mesmerizing glimpse into the rich folk culture of Russia's past, including: Rituals for births, weddings, and funeralsLost codes of behaviorHoliday traditions and seasonal celebrations, and more!Who knows? Maybe the answers to some of your life's pressing issues are found in the age-long traditions explored in A Window to the Russian Soul.Find out by buying A Window to the Russian Soul today!About Nicholas KotarNicholas Kotar is the son of Russian immigrants who moved from Russia after the Revolution. He is an award-winning author of 7 epic fantasy books inspired by Slavic fairy tales, as well as 3 non-fiction books and a TV script that was looked at by Netflix. Nicholas is known for his translations of Russian fairy tales and is also an acclaimed storyteller, podcaster, and public speaker.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonTom_Flynn, whatspider

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What if you could find answers to the problems of modern life in the wisdom of the past?Perpetually distracted, increasingly over-medicated, and lonelier than ever, we still think we are the most progressive people in history. But scratch the surface, and you'll see that our world is like a house built on sand. That's why many people are turning to the past for comforting wisdom to inform the future. In this book, you'll find a mesmerizing glimpse into the rich folk culture of Russia's past, including: Rituals for births, weddings, and funeralsLost codes of behaviorHoliday traditions and seasonal celebrations, and more!Who knows? Maybe the answers to some of your life's pressing issues are found in the age-long traditions explored in A Window to the Russian Soul.Find out by buying A Window to the Russian Soul today!About Nicholas KotarNicholas Kotar is the son of Russian immigrants who moved from Russia after the Revolution. He is an award-winning author of 7 epic fantasy books inspired by Slavic fairy tales, as well as 3 non-fiction books and a TV script that was looked at by Netflix. Nicholas is known for his translations of Russian fairy tales and is also an acclaimed storyteller, podcaster, and public speaker.

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