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Jesus of Nazareth von Pope Benedict XVI
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Jesus of Nazareth (2007. Auflage)

von Pope Benedict XVI

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1,2071616,947 (4.37)1
This illustrated edition of the bold, momentous book written by Pope Benedict XVI is beautifully adorned with reproductions of classic works by a veritable pantheon of classic painters--from Tiepolo to Chagall. Begun before his election to the papacy, the book contains masterfully cogent and accessible essays on the life of Jesus, including his baptism, his temptation in the desert, the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord's Prayer, the disciples, the parables, the principal images of John's Gospel, Peter's confession and Jesus's Transfiguration, and Jesus's two self-descriptions, "Son of Man" and "Son." Pope Benedict XVI responds to the revisionist historical literature that makes Jesus a man of his time and place, and he discusses recent archaeological, historical, anthropological, and sociological research. As sensitive as it is erudite and brilliant, this edition is lavishly illustrated with handsome reproductions of classical depictions of Jesus by a roster of eminent artists, including Caravaggio, Tintoretto, Veronese, Bellini, Kandinsky, Gauguin, Matisse, and many others.… (mehr)
Titel:Jesus of Nazareth
Autoren:Pope Benedict XVI
Info:Doubleday (2007), Hardcover, 400 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Jesus von Nazareth : Teil 1 : Von der Taufe im Jordan bis zur Verklärung von Pope Benedict XVI

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  Murtra | May 31, 2021 |
  Murtra | Jan 15, 2021 |
  Murtra | Dec 30, 2020 |
Il contesto

"Gesù nella storia", "Gesù nei Vangeli", "Gesù nella fede". E' l'ambizioso obiettivo di questo libro, e di quello successivo, che lo scrittore Joseph Ratzinger, teologo illustre e studioso di fama, oltre che Papa, si è prefisso. E' quello che io chiamo "il contesto" di cui ogni uomo dovrebbe essere messo al corrente, che creda o meno. Non posso emettere un giudizio, perché le oltre 400 pagine da cui è fatto questo libro non si leggono come un romanzo. E così neanche il libro che segue. A fine lettura potrò scrivere con calma e giusta riflessione. ( )
  AntonioGallo | Nov 2, 2017 |
Excelente! explica la historia religiosa cristina de manera, accesible a todos. ( )
  perla | Jan 9, 2013 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (31 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Pope Benedict XVIHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Duthel, FrançoisHerausgeberCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Hornig, DieterÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Roy, Marie-AngeÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Tassel, DominiqueÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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This illustrated edition of the bold, momentous book written by Pope Benedict XVI is beautifully adorned with reproductions of classic works by a veritable pantheon of classic painters--from Tiepolo to Chagall. Begun before his election to the papacy, the book contains masterfully cogent and accessible essays on the life of Jesus, including his baptism, his temptation in the desert, the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord's Prayer, the disciples, the parables, the principal images of John's Gospel, Peter's confession and Jesus's Transfiguration, and Jesus's two self-descriptions, "Son of Man" and "Son." Pope Benedict XVI responds to the revisionist historical literature that makes Jesus a man of his time and place, and he discusses recent archaeological, historical, anthropological, and sociological research. As sensitive as it is erudite and brilliant, this edition is lavishly illustrated with handsome reproductions of classical depictions of Jesus by a roster of eminent artists, including Caravaggio, Tintoretto, Veronese, Bellini, Kandinsky, Gauguin, Matisse, and many others.

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