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Revenger 1

von Jon Messmann

Reihen: The Revenger (1)

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The classic 1970s vigilante series is back... for the first time in nearly fifty years.Ben Martin is a married, Vietnam vet who opens a produce wholesale business in New York City. Life is good until he's threatened by mobsters, who demand protection money from him to continue doing business. But they soon discover that they are the ones who need protection?from him. Instead of backing off, the mob retaliates, leading to bloodshed and tragedy, and spurring Martin into a one-man war on crime that could cost him his soul and his life."This book works exceptionally well. Ben is a believable action hero. He's not just a good guy with a gun. The breakdown from decent man to cold assassin is a slow burn, but a morbidly entertaining one. A stand-out series." Paperback Warrior"Martin, while capable of violent action, is more introspective than many of his fellow Mafia busters." Serial Vigilantes Of Paperback Fiction"Messmann keeps it real. Martin is prone to a lot of soul-searching. At his core, though, he's still a 'specialist in death' who pulled off so many assassinations in Vietnam that he became legendary. Highly recommended." Glorious TrashThis new edition features an Afterword by Eric Compton, co-host of the Paperback Warrior podcast.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonbibliomega, WareSP, JonnyPowers, CoreyScott, Doctor-Schlock
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The classic 1970s vigilante series is back... for the first time in nearly fifty years.Ben Martin is a married, Vietnam vet who opens a produce wholesale business in New York City. Life is good until he's threatened by mobsters, who demand protection money from him to continue doing business. But they soon discover that they are the ones who need protection?from him. Instead of backing off, the mob retaliates, leading to bloodshed and tragedy, and spurring Martin into a one-man war on crime that could cost him his soul and his life."This book works exceptionally well. Ben is a believable action hero. He's not just a good guy with a gun. The breakdown from decent man to cold assassin is a slow burn, but a morbidly entertaining one. A stand-out series." Paperback Warrior"Martin, while capable of violent action, is more introspective than many of his fellow Mafia busters." Serial Vigilantes Of Paperback Fiction"Messmann keeps it real. Martin is prone to a lot of soul-searching. At his core, though, he's still a 'specialist in death' who pulled off so many assassinations in Vietnam that he became legendary. Highly recommended." Glorious TrashThis new edition features an Afterword by Eric Compton, co-host of the Paperback Warrior podcast.

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