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Keeping Kane

von Jillian Quinn

Reihen: Face-Off Legacy (2)

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7Keine2,431,834 (2.33)Keine
Two hot hockey players have a crush on the same girl... and neither of them knows it. I've always loved having a twin brother. Our identical looks have gotten us out of the worst situations. At least that was true until we met Jemma. I had no idea Tucker liked the new transfer student. And he was just as oblivious that I kissed the hot redhead, who thought I was my brother. Not until all three of our paths collide do we realize this is one situation we can't talk our way out of. I never wanted to compete with my brother, of all people. He's the life of the party, the twin everyone loves. I'm the smart one who bails us out. After years of cleaning up his messes, there's no way I'm walking away from the girl of my dreams. Tuck can have anything he wants... except for Jemma.… (mehr)
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Two hot hockey players have a crush on the same girl... and neither of them knows it. I've always loved having a twin brother. Our identical looks have gotten us out of the worst situations. At least that was true until we met Jemma. I had no idea Tucker liked the new transfer student. And he was just as oblivious that I kissed the hot redhead, who thought I was my brother. Not until all three of our paths collide do we realize this is one situation we can't talk our way out of. I never wanted to compete with my brother, of all people. He's the life of the party, the twin everyone loves. I'm the smart one who bails us out. After years of cleaning up his messes, there's no way I'm walking away from the girl of my dreams. Tuck can have anything he wants... except for Jemma.

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