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The Farm: A Post-Apocalyptic Tale of Survival

von Ross Lynch

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In a post-apocalyptic world, a family is given a second chance at life, but their devotion and sanity are tested when a stranger with a dark agenda comes into their lives. After three long and painful years searching for survivors in a barren wasteland, the Jackson family stumble across an old working farm, where there they find a young and handsome stranger. At first, everything appears to be going well, and the family believe their dreams have finally come true. But before long... their lives begin to fall apart. Follow this end of the world psychological horror-thriller as a young family, struggling to hold onto reality - and each other - inevitably descend into a deep, dark pool of madness, depression and worst-of-all... insanity. Important: This book is available to purchase as part of the 'STRANGERS' horror collection box set on my Amazon author page.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonhivetrick, OgreZed
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In a post-apocalyptic world, a family is given a second chance at life, but their devotion and sanity are tested when a stranger with a dark agenda comes into their lives. After three long and painful years searching for survivors in a barren wasteland, the Jackson family stumble across an old working farm, where there they find a young and handsome stranger. At first, everything appears to be going well, and the family believe their dreams have finally come true. But before long... their lives begin to fall apart. Follow this end of the world psychological horror-thriller as a young family, struggling to hold onto reality - and each other - inevitably descend into a deep, dark pool of madness, depression and worst-of-all... insanity. Important: This book is available to purchase as part of the 'STRANGERS' horror collection box set on my Amazon author page.

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