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U.S. Army Survival, Evasion, and Recovery

von U.S. Department of the Army

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Here is the Official US Army guide to staying alive in survival situations--and making your way to safety, no matter the obstacles! Compiled from the most relevant and important survival information offered by current U.S. Army personnel, and proved by past experience, this handy and concise guide will equip readers to survive in life-threatening conditions and make their way to safety. Topics include: water and food procurement and preservation plant medicine, personal protection survival in nuclear, biological, and chemical conditions tips for traveling in ice and snow evasion of pursuit navigation to safety radio communications and signaling rules for avoiding illness or harm in adverse conditions and more U.S. Army Survival, Evasion, and Recovery covers a surprising array of essential information in straightforward, no-nonsense terms. This handbook is a must-have for military buffs and an indispensable survival guide for anyone venturing into the wilderness. While it is designed for use in formal military training, it is also useful for the general reader seeking a comprehensive and complete manual of outdoor survival techniques.  … (mehr)
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Here is the Official US Army guide to staying alive in survival situations--and making your way to safety, no matter the obstacles! Compiled from the most relevant and important survival information offered by current U.S. Army personnel, and proved by past experience, this handy and concise guide will equip readers to survive in life-threatening conditions and make their way to safety. Topics include: water and food procurement and preservation plant medicine, personal protection survival in nuclear, biological, and chemical conditions tips for traveling in ice and snow evasion of pursuit navigation to safety radio communications and signaling rules for avoiding illness or harm in adverse conditions and more U.S. Army Survival, Evasion, and Recovery covers a surprising array of essential information in straightforward, no-nonsense terms. This handbook is a must-have for military buffs and an indispensable survival guide for anyone venturing into the wilderness. While it is designed for use in formal military training, it is also useful for the general reader seeking a comprehensive and complete manual of outdoor survival techniques.  

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