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My First Book of Planets: All About the…
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My First Book of Planets: All About the Solar System for Kids (2020. Auflage)

von Bruce Betts (Autor)

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"Blast off on a fun first exploration of our super cool planets! My First Book of Planets for kids will get even the smallest astronomer excited for the big universe of space, from the bright and burning sun to our own blue Earth to ice-capped Pluto, and every planet in between. Kids can rocket across our unique solar system through incredible photos and easy-to-follow entries on what makes each planet so special, covering their size, distance from the sun, what the surface is like, how many moons they have, and more. Grab a space suit-there's so much to discover! My First Book of Planets for kids includes: Planetary profiles-With this book of planets for kids, your child will learn everything there is to know about the eight planets in our solar system, plus dwarf planets Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake. Colorful cosmos-Vibrant, high-quality photos in this book of planets for kids will take them into deep space and onto each planet-no telescope required! Fun space facts-Did you know the bubbles in soda are the same gas on Venus? Or that Haumea is the only dwarf planet with a ring? Out of this world facts about planets for kids will keep them glued to the page and excited to explore the sky. Explore our amazing solar system with My First Book of Planets for kids-with more than 2,000 systems beyond our own, what will you discover next?" -- ONIX annotation.… (mehr)
Titel:My First Book of Planets: All About the Solar System for Kids
Autoren:Bruce Betts (Autor)
Info:Rockridge Press (2020), 68 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:Informational Book (Ages 5-8)


My First Book of Planets: All About the Solar System for Kids von Bruce Betts

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Independent Reading Level: Grades 1-5
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  QueenIam51 | Apr 27, 2024 |
Independent Reading Level: 3–6-year-olds
Awards: N/A
  jjohnson28 | Nov 24, 2023 |
Independent Reading Level: Grades 1-5 ( )
  Koryn | May 6, 2022 |
Independent Read: Grades 1st-3rd
  abspooner03 | Dec 7, 2023 |
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"Blast off on a fun first exploration of our super cool planets! My First Book of Planets for kids will get even the smallest astronomer excited for the big universe of space, from the bright and burning sun to our own blue Earth to ice-capped Pluto, and every planet in between. Kids can rocket across our unique solar system through incredible photos and easy-to-follow entries on what makes each planet so special, covering their size, distance from the sun, what the surface is like, how many moons they have, and more. Grab a space suit-there's so much to discover! My First Book of Planets for kids includes: Planetary profiles-With this book of planets for kids, your child will learn everything there is to know about the eight planets in our solar system, plus dwarf planets Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake. Colorful cosmos-Vibrant, high-quality photos in this book of planets for kids will take them into deep space and onto each planet-no telescope required! Fun space facts-Did you know the bubbles in soda are the same gas on Venus? Or that Haumea is the only dwarf planet with a ring? Out of this world facts about planets for kids will keep them glued to the page and excited to explore the sky. Explore our amazing solar system with My First Book of Planets for kids-with more than 2,000 systems beyond our own, what will you discover next?" -- ONIX annotation.

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