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US Army Field Manual 5-20 Camouflage, Concealment, & Decoys

von U.S. Army

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This book contains the full text and images contained within the November 2010 version of Field Manual 5-20 Camouflage, Concealment, & Decoys. This is the US Army's manual that details the principles of camouflage and the planning factors involved in ensuring that vehicles, structures, and positions are as well concealed as possible from enemy observation. It should be fairly self-evident how this manual would be of use to the prepper community. It is not enough to just obscure yourself and your possessions visually, the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum as well as noise and odor must also be accounted for and this manual addresses those points. This manual is not so much a how to as a planning document that describes the considerations that must be considered when planning camouflage.… (mehr)
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This book contains the full text and images contained within the November 2010 version of Field Manual 5-20 Camouflage, Concealment, & Decoys. This is the US Army's manual that details the principles of camouflage and the planning factors involved in ensuring that vehicles, structures, and positions are as well concealed as possible from enemy observation. It should be fairly self-evident how this manual would be of use to the prepper community. It is not enough to just obscure yourself and your possessions visually, the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum as well as noise and odor must also be accounted for and this manual addresses those points. This manual is not so much a how to as a planning document that describes the considerations that must be considered when planning camouflage.

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