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No! Said Rabbit von Marjoke Henrichs
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No! Said Rabbit (2021. Auflage)

von Marjoke Henrichs (Autor), Marjoke Henrichs (Illustrator)

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1831,225,447 (3.33)Keine
Everyone triumphs in this hilarious, relatable picture book celebrating the everyday struggles of parents and children. Perfect for bedtime! Time to go inside now, said Mom. No! said Rabbit. I want to stay outside. Time for a bath now, said Mom. No No No No No! Rabbit is happy doing his own thing, and he doesn't want to listen to anyone else. Or so he thinks. Then, Mom makes a suggestion he simply can't resist! Debut author-illustrator Marjoke Henrichs delivers a laugh-out-loud tale with Rabbit embodying every strong-willed child. Adult readers will recognize and empathize with parenting moments throughout, and a warm and loving twist at the end celebrates the joy of coming together again after a very contrary day.… (mehr)
Titel:No! Said Rabbit
Autoren:Marjoke Henrichs (Autor)
Weitere Autoren:Marjoke Henrichs (Illustrator)
Info:Peachtree Publishing Company (2021), 32 pages
Sammlungen:2021 Picture Book Read-In


No! Said Rabbit von Marjoke Henrichs

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“No! said the Editor. I do not want to write this review.”

Any parent or caregiver who has had to coax a child in the two to six-year-old range (or a stubborn adult, for that matter) will immediately recognize our hero Rabbit protagonist as the proxy for all children trying to establish self-determination. “Would you like your favorite XXX?” “No.” It does not matter what you offer. The answer is always no.

I remember many a time when I’ve started a sentence with “would you like” only to be interrupted halfway with the word “no.” At least the bunny in the book let’s Mom get a word out!

This book is funny, delightful, beautifully-simply, illustrated and sure to provide much needed conversation with naysayers. Our five-year-old enjoyed saying “No!” along with the rabbit, but, by the end of the book completely understood that he himself acted like the rabbit many times–not giving things a chance, or saying “no” to something he actually wanted.

There is nothing like self-revelation. It’s a great thing when you can use a book to have your child have an “aha” moment early on. Buy the book? Yes! ( )
  Fernandez-Pons | Jan 27, 2024 |
Great family read aloud especially for those with a toddler. ( )
  MrsWhatsit2000 | Apr 7, 2021 |
all about those days with NO ( )
  melodyreads | Jul 13, 2021 |
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Everyone triumphs in this hilarious, relatable picture book celebrating the everyday struggles of parents and children. Perfect for bedtime! Time to go inside now, said Mom. No! said Rabbit. I want to stay outside. Time for a bath now, said Mom. No No No No No! Rabbit is happy doing his own thing, and he doesn't want to listen to anyone else. Or so he thinks. Then, Mom makes a suggestion he simply can't resist! Debut author-illustrator Marjoke Henrichs delivers a laugh-out-loud tale with Rabbit embodying every strong-willed child. Adult readers will recognize and empathize with parenting moments throughout, and a warm and loving twist at the end celebrates the joy of coming together again after a very contrary day.

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