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The Second Mrs. Astor: A Heartbreaking…
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The Second Mrs. Astor: A Heartbreaking Historical Novel of the Titanic (2021. Auflage)

von Shana Abe (Autor)

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4121563,534 (3.8)11
Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. Madeleine Talmage Force is just seventeen when she attracts the attention of John Jacob "Jack" Astor. Madeleine is beautiful, intelligent, and solidly upper-class, but the Astors are in a league apart. Jack's mother was the Mrs. Astor, American royalty and New York's most formidable socialite. Despite their twenty-nine-year age difference and the scandal of Jack's recent divorce, Madeleine falls headlong into love-and becomes the press's favorite target. On their extended honeymoon in Egypt, the newlyweds finally find a measure of peace away from photographers and journalists. Madeleine feels truly alive for the first time-and is happily pregnant. The couple plans to return home in the spring of 1912, aboard an opulent new ocean liner. When the ship hits an iceberg close to midnight on April 14th, there is no immediate panic. The swift, state-of-the-art RMS Titanic seems unsinkable. As Jack helps Madeleine into a lifeboat, he assures her that he'll see her soon in New York . . . Four months later, at the Astors' Fifth Avenue mansion, a widowed Madeleine gives birth to their son. In the wake of the disaster, the press has elevated her to the status of virtuous, tragic heroine. But Madeleine's most important decision still lies ahead: whether to accept the role assigned to her or carve out her own remarkable path . . .… (mehr)
Titel:The Second Mrs. Astor: A Heartbreaking Historical Novel of the Titanic
Autoren:Shana Abe (Autor)
Info:Kensington (2021), 336 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Second Mrs. Astor von Shana Abé

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Madeleine Force becomes the second Mrs. Astor at the age of 18 and encounters all of the issues that this entailed, especially since John Jacob Astor had divorced his first wife, a leader of upper class society in the northeast. Of course this all leads to the honeymoon on the ill-fated Titanic, and we know how that ended. I enjoyed reading this book, and it inspired me to do some internet reading on the Astor family to try to make sense of all the people. The story dragged in places, and I was hoping to see some of the photos referenced in the book online, but very few are available. I learned more about the Astor family and upper-crust society in the Gilded Age than I learned anything new about the Titanic disaster. ( )
  hobbitprincess | Jun 29, 2024 |
It was a good book. ( ) | Apr 13, 2024 |
This was a pretty interesting book! I liked that it was historical fiction. Based on the viewpoint from Madeline Astor, it recounts the sinking of the Titanic and the aftermath. I will definitely read more books by this author! ( )
  Sassyjd32 | Dec 22, 2023 |
This was such a good read - told from Mrs. Astor's perspective to her new baby boy who never got to meet his dad. I couldn't put it down. ( )
  MrsThomSmith | May 4, 2023 |
Another five star read, what goes on here? I loved this fictionalised account of Madeleine Astor, the young bride and widow of John Jacob Astor, and mother of his 'Titanic baby', born four months after she survived the tragedy and her husband did not. At first, I thought, 'Well, there's not much of a story there, apart from the Titanic', but how wrong I was.

Madeleine Force was an eighteen year old socialite, while Colonel Astor was nearly thirty years her senior, with a recent divorce to add to the scandal. The press hounded them, like modern day royals and celebrities - 'chipping away at any thought she might have had of privacy, of control of her own face or figure or destiny' - and they were engaged and married within a year of meeting (once Madeleine had turned eighteen). The Titanic was part of their honeymoon tour and Madeleine was five months pregnant. The novel covers Madeleine's sheltered youth in Bar Harbor, Maine, her first meeting with Jack at a society gathering and the sweet but sporadic courtship that followed, the private wedding ceremony and the start of Madeleine's married life in the draughty New York Astor mansion, snubbed by the 'Four Hundred'. Along with the 'unsinkable' Molly Brown - and I didn't know the two famous Titanic names were friends! - the Astors travel to Egypt, beautifully pictured by the author, and then onto the final, fateful voyage.

I found the narrative a little confusing at first - Madeleine recalls her memories of Jack and the Titanic in letters to her newborn son 'Jakey', and then the story switches to standard third person, which seemed an odd choice - but fell in love with the writing and the characters from the first chapters. Madeleine is lost in the shadow of her elder sister Katherine until she captivates the famous Colonel Astor, and I was both convinced by her love for him, and his for her eventually, while not entirely trusting his motives. I'm not one to be thrown by generation gap romances in novels, but (barely) eighteen and nearly fifty? I could easily understand his son Vincent's attitude towards his new 'stepmother'! The way Astor courted the press without respecting her wishes also put me off, reminding me of Prince Harry's memoirs - 'I have learned that you do not have to speak to the press at all. You owe them nothing', the widowed Mrs Astor finally realises. The Colonel also abandons his new bride to the gaudiness and rigidity of his New York mansion, like a scene out of Rebecca, but I had to laugh at Madeleine's judgement of his mother's horrendous decoration: Gold-leafed sconces, pilasters, cherubs, medallions. Gold-leafed tables and chairs, cabinets and commodes. There were still rooms in this hulking home that Madeleine had barely explored, but it seemed to her that Lina Astor had not spared her hand at gilding every lily she’d ever seen'. The only difference between the social strata in America is money, apparently, which does not buy taste!

Madeleine's story and Shana Abe's writing really made me emotional, from Jack's poor dog Kitty getting lost in Egypt and then staying with her master to the end, to Madeleine's deep and beautifully rendered grief. The final night on board the Titanic was also incredibly powerful, which isn't always the case (I'm going to watch A Night To Remember again, which is the best film about the infamous ship!) Madeleine's realisation that the lifeboats are surrounded by icebergs and her words to her son about his father's smile ('Oh, I hope you have his smile. I hope I get to see his smile again, through you') were two particularly poignant moments that really got to me.

Madeleine Astor went onto to marry again, twice, and had two more sons before dying relatively young in 1940. Her son with Colonel Astor, Jakey, contested the will of his elder half-brother, Vincent, claiming that he was an alcoholic when he died in 1959 and that his wife had forced him into cutting Jakey from the Astor fortune, but he only received a settlement. Would Madeleine and Jack have had a long and happy marriage had they not honeymooned on the Titanic? Did he really love his child bride, or was she a passing fancy, as Vincent claimed? I would love to believe in the romance of this novel, but reality was probably a lot less magical! ( )
  AdonisGuilfoyle | Apr 26, 2023 |
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Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. Madeleine Talmage Force is just seventeen when she attracts the attention of John Jacob "Jack" Astor. Madeleine is beautiful, intelligent, and solidly upper-class, but the Astors are in a league apart. Jack's mother was the Mrs. Astor, American royalty and New York's most formidable socialite. Despite their twenty-nine-year age difference and the scandal of Jack's recent divorce, Madeleine falls headlong into love-and becomes the press's favorite target. On their extended honeymoon in Egypt, the newlyweds finally find a measure of peace away from photographers and journalists. Madeleine feels truly alive for the first time-and is happily pregnant. The couple plans to return home in the spring of 1912, aboard an opulent new ocean liner. When the ship hits an iceberg close to midnight on April 14th, there is no immediate panic. The swift, state-of-the-art RMS Titanic seems unsinkable. As Jack helps Madeleine into a lifeboat, he assures her that he'll see her soon in New York . . . Four months later, at the Astors' Fifth Avenue mansion, a widowed Madeleine gives birth to their son. In the wake of the disaster, the press has elevated her to the status of virtuous, tragic heroine. But Madeleine's most important decision still lies ahead: whether to accept the role assigned to her or carve out her own remarkable path . . .

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