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Sin Eater (2020)

von Megan Campisi

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3872868,380 (3.74)4
"In Elizabeth I's England, a fourteen-year-old girl who steals a loaf of bread is sentenced to be a sin eater, a shunned woman who must assume the sins of the dead, and becomes drawn into a dangerous mystery at the heart of a corrupt and violent court. 'The Sin Eater walks among us, unseen, unheard / Sins of our flesh become sins of Hers / Following Her to the grave, unseen, unheard / The Sin Eater Walks Among Us.' For the crime of stealing bread, fourteen-year-old May receives a life sentence: she must become a Sin Eater -- a shunned woman, brutally marked, whose fate is to hear the final confessions of the dying, eat ritual foods symbolizing their sins as a funeral rite, and thereby shoulder their transgressions to grant their souls access to heaven. Orphaned and friendless, apprenticed to an older Sin Eater who cannot speak to her, May must make her way in a dangerous and cruel world she barely understands. When a deer heart appears on the coffin of a royal governess who did not confess to the dreadful sin it represents, the older Sin Eater refuses to eat it. She is taken to prison, tortured, and killed. To avenge her death, May must find out who placed the deer heart on the coffin and why." --… (mehr)
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A brilliant first novel by Megan Campisi. I found the very thinly veiled references to Elizabethan history quite tongue in cheek and amusing. A very emotive story, a few grim and ghastly moments but overall May’s bright and guileless inner thoughts provided a sense of wry humour and more importantly, hope. I look forward to more works from Megan Campisi.

PS: I also found the cover art really stunning, one of my favourites ever. ( )
  jen.921xx | Jul 21, 2024 |
I have been intrigued by the concept of sin eaters since first reading about it. It arose from folklore legends in the British Isles from the 17th century until the early 1900s. Sin eaters were hired to sit next to a person near death or already dead and consume food thought to represent the person's lifetime sins. The sin eaters symbolically took the sins onto themselves, freeing the soul to pass peacefully, leaving the sin eaters with the accumulated sins.

This historical fiction centers around 14-year-old orphaned May Owen, who was arrested for stealing a loaf of bread and was subsequently sentenced to be a sin eater in Elizabethan England. There was another older sin eater, and both were shunned by everyone in the community. Their mantra is "The Unseen is now seen and the Unheard is now heard. The sins of your flesh become the sins of mine to be borne to my grave in silence." She learns that certain foods are associated with certain sins.

When the older sin eater is incarcerated and dies a brutal death, May takes on their duties by herself because she has no choice. She becomes puzzled by food she is requested to eat that symbolizes an unconfessed death. This is a suspenseful mystery as it evolves and a fascinating look into the life of a fictional sin eater. ( )
  pdebolt | Mar 24, 2024 |
Really excellent alternate history/historical fiction! I can't stop thinking about May. Campisi's writing brings the narrative and characters to vivid life. I also want to know more about the instrument makers with their "chest rumbler" and also Brida, Paul and the other outcast band. Enjoyable im every way - hope to see more from this author soon! ( )
  decaturmamaof2 | Nov 22, 2023 |
An interesting read. I thought I would stop reading a few times but I was drawn into May's story and had to see how it would end. ( )
  ibkennedy | Oct 11, 2023 |
Slow to pick up and lack-luster ending. However, couldn't put it down once I started reading it. ( )
  monmon1391 | Jun 7, 2022 |
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"In Elizabeth I's England, a fourteen-year-old girl who steals a loaf of bread is sentenced to be a sin eater, a shunned woman who must assume the sins of the dead, and becomes drawn into a dangerous mystery at the heart of a corrupt and violent court. 'The Sin Eater walks among us, unseen, unheard / Sins of our flesh become sins of Hers / Following Her to the grave, unseen, unheard / The Sin Eater Walks Among Us.' For the crime of stealing bread, fourteen-year-old May receives a life sentence: she must become a Sin Eater -- a shunned woman, brutally marked, whose fate is to hear the final confessions of the dying, eat ritual foods symbolizing their sins as a funeral rite, and thereby shoulder their transgressions to grant their souls access to heaven. Orphaned and friendless, apprenticed to an older Sin Eater who cannot speak to her, May must make her way in a dangerous and cruel world she barely understands. When a deer heart appears on the coffin of a royal governess who did not confess to the dreadful sin it represents, the older Sin Eater refuses to eat it. She is taken to prison, tortured, and killed. To avenge her death, May must find out who placed the deer heart on the coffin and why." --

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