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Oxford Textbook of Anaesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Online (Oxford Textbook in Anaesthesia)

von Ian Shaw

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Part of the Oxford Textbooks in Anaesthesia series, Oxford Textbook of Anaesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is an authoritative, evidence based textbook on oral, dental, and maxillofacial surgery.Oral, dental, and maxillofacial surgery represents one of the most common indications for anaesthesia worldwide. The anaesthetist can be called upon to provide anaesthesia for patients presenting with impacted or carious teeth, infections of the mucosa and adjacent structures, facial injuries, headand neck cancers, salivary gland disease, facial disproportion, temporomandibular joint disorders, cysts, and tumours of the jaws. Anaesthetists may also be involved in managing patients experiencing chronic and intractable facial pain. An understanding of this subject matter is fundamental to thesafe practice of anaesthesia.This book provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of all aspects of anaesthesia for oral and maxillofacial surgery. Designed for both consultants and trainees with an interest in this area, chapters cover the anatomy, pre-assessment, difficult airway, regional anaesthesia, imaging, and allclinical aspects for complex area.… (mehr)
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Part of the Oxford Textbooks in Anaesthesia series, Oxford Textbook of Anaesthesia for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is an authoritative, evidence based textbook on oral, dental, and maxillofacial surgery.Oral, dental, and maxillofacial surgery represents one of the most common indications for anaesthesia worldwide. The anaesthetist can be called upon to provide anaesthesia for patients presenting with impacted or carious teeth, infections of the mucosa and adjacent structures, facial injuries, headand neck cancers, salivary gland disease, facial disproportion, temporomandibular joint disorders, cysts, and tumours of the jaws. Anaesthetists may also be involved in managing patients experiencing chronic and intractable facial pain. An understanding of this subject matter is fundamental to thesafe practice of anaesthesia.This book provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of all aspects of anaesthesia for oral and maxillofacial surgery. Designed for both consultants and trainees with an interest in this area, chapters cover the anatomy, pre-assessment, difficult airway, regional anaesthesia, imaging, and allclinical aspects for complex area.

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