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10 Things That Never Happened

von Alexis Hall

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Reihen: Material World (1)

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24520113,590 (3.92)14
"FAKE AMNESIA. REAL FEELINGS? REAL PROBLEMS. Sam Becker loves-or, okay, likes-his job. Sure, managing a bed and bath retailer isn't exactly glamorous, but it's good work and he gets on well with the band of misfits who keep the store running. He could see himself being content here for the long haul. Too bad, then, that the owner is an infuriating git. Jonathan Forest should never have hired Sam. It was a sentimental decision, and Jonathan didn't get where he is by following his heart. Determined to set things right, Jonathan orders Sam down to London for a difficult talk...only for a panicking Sam to trip, bump his head, and maybe accidentally imply he doesn't remember anything? Faking amnesia seemed like a good idea when Sam was afraid he was getting sacked, but now he has to deal with the reality of Jonathan's guilt-as well as the unsettling fact that his surly boss might have a softer side to him. There's an unexpected freedom in getting a second shot at a first impression...but as Sam and Jonathan grow closer, can Sam really bring himself to tell the truth, or will their future be built entirely on one impulsive lie?"--… (mehr)
  1. 10
    Kiss Her Once for Me von Alison Cochrun (bibliovermis)
    bibliovermis: Keep that While You Were Sleeping vibe going
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Even though I was disappointed by the last book I read from Alexis Hall, Husband Material, I decided to give this one a shot. It is a spinoff of a character who was introduced in Husband Material. I understand that it may be a part of another series that the author intends to continue called Material World.

I liked this book nearly as much as I liked Boyfriend Material. The characters take a while to warm up to. It seems like the author likes to write broody characters. Lucien and Oliver are very similar to Sam and Jonathan. Like with Boyfriend Material, it took me a while to warmup to the secondary partner. Oliver was nearly as dislikeable as Jonathan was.

The author had an interesting concept where the main character fakes having amnesia in order to try and save his job. His boss ends up taking care of him and they become a complicated couple. The book was interesting and kept me entertained until the end. I do not feel that there were any slow parts in the book. I would be interested in reading book 2 if Hall was willing to continue on with the series.

★★★★ ( )
  OMBWarrior47 | Apr 29, 2024 |
Funny and sweet. I enjoyed every chapter!

The main character of the story is originally from Liverpool, so the audiobook is read by Will Watt in a Scouse accent. It's a nice touch that adds character to the reading. ( )
  daplz | Apr 12, 2024 |
One thing I always appreciate about Alexis Hall's writing is the fully fleshed out and often delightful secondary characters who encourage personal growth in the MC's. ( )
  leamos | Mar 22, 2024 |
It's one of those books that will sneak up on you and before you know it you are halfway through and still have lots to learn. I found that I knew very little about Sam because he conceals so much... partly because he’s pretending to have amnesia so has to be careful about what he tells Jonathan, and partly because he’s deliberately locked away some very painful things he doesn’t want to think about. Alexis Hall does a great job of throwing around little hints throughout the story so that it’s not difficult to guess what Sam is running away from, but it still hits hard when it’s revealed near the end, and we finally fit together all the pieces and understand what Sam has been going through and why he is the way he is, especially concerning his job and the people he works with. I read it and enjoyed it, but it was only when I started to really think about it and go back through the highlights that I realized just how much the author had packed into what seemed, at first, to be a light-hearted story full of snarky talk, an ugly kitty and an oversized Christmas tree. Along with the romance, it's a story about connecting and re-connecting...about being true to yourself... and not being afraid to show that you care. One of the many things Alexis Hall does so well is to let his characters experience growth while remaining essentially the same people, and this was certainly true of Sam and Jonathan. Sam was still the upbeat guy that is so very prone to wearing his heart on his sleeve, and Jonathan is still the gruff, aloft, and anxious one...but they’ve found in one another, that "special someone" who complements them...who understands them...and who accepts them and loves them for who they are. They learn that together, they’re not necessarily different, but they are "better". I thought that the fake amnesia plot was a little shaky, and it went on too long, but it absolutely does NOT spoil the story. The book is a mixture of the "crazy and the meaningful" all wrapped up in a romance that's filled with humor that really works well. I consider this one to be a keeper. ( )
  Carol420 | Feb 5, 2024 |
Fun, well written, interesting characters, but the resolution at the end felt too easy ( )
  AerialObrien | Jan 15, 2024 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Alexis HallHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Stokes, Elizabeth TurnerUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Watt, WillErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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It probably says good things about modern Britain—or maybe just about modern Liverpool—that when I was growing up, I got way less shit for being gay than I got for being named after a hobbit.
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Previously known as The Amnesia Plot
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"FAKE AMNESIA. REAL FEELINGS? REAL PROBLEMS. Sam Becker loves-or, okay, likes-his job. Sure, managing a bed and bath retailer isn't exactly glamorous, but it's good work and he gets on well with the band of misfits who keep the store running. He could see himself being content here for the long haul. Too bad, then, that the owner is an infuriating git. Jonathan Forest should never have hired Sam. It was a sentimental decision, and Jonathan didn't get where he is by following his heart. Determined to set things right, Jonathan orders Sam down to London for a difficult talk...only for a panicking Sam to trip, bump his head, and maybe accidentally imply he doesn't remember anything? Faking amnesia seemed like a good idea when Sam was afraid he was getting sacked, but now he has to deal with the reality of Jonathan's guilt-as well as the unsettling fact that his surly boss might have a softer side to him. There's an unexpected freedom in getting a second shot at a first impression...but as Sam and Jonathan grow closer, can Sam really bring himself to tell the truth, or will their future be built entirely on one impulsive lie?"--

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