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Trade and Economic Development in Small Open Economies: The Case of the Caribbean Countries (History; 50)

von Arnold Mcintyre

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The overall economic performance of Caribbean countries has declined markedly in recent times. The weak export performance of these trade-oriented economies is highlighted as the principal factor responsible for the economic deterioration. The author attempts to identify the major determinants of their export performance. Two alternative approaches to this issue are adopted, the Feder model and an alternate, which suggests the important nexus between foreign exchange, needed imports and exports. The role of government institutions and their influence on exchange rates are also analyzed. Scholars in economic development, Latin America, as well as international financial institutions will find this comprehensive study on the English speaking Caribbean countries of Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados a useful tool.… (mehr)
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The overall economic performance of Caribbean countries has declined markedly in recent times. The weak export performance of these trade-oriented economies is highlighted as the principal factor responsible for the economic deterioration. The author attempts to identify the major determinants of their export performance. Two alternative approaches to this issue are adopted, the Feder model and an alternate, which suggests the important nexus between foreign exchange, needed imports and exports. The role of government institutions and their influence on exchange rates are also analyzed. Scholars in economic development, Latin America, as well as international financial institutions will find this comprehensive study on the English speaking Caribbean countries of Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados a useful tool.

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