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The Island House

von Amanda Brittany

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'Wow, what a rollercoaster read, I loved everything about this story... A gripping, chilling and addictive thriller I found hard to put down.' - NetGalley Reviewer, A DARK FAMILY SECRET When Alice's father dies after a tragic hit and run, his death stirs up unanswered questions about her childhood. Who was her mother, why did her father never speak of the past, and why can't she remember anything before the age of seven? AN ISLAND CUT OFF But when she receives an anonymous letter containing a photograph of a refurbished gothic guesthouse surrounded by water, and an invitation to stay, old memories fight to resurface. Alice has visited before. She is certain of it. WHO WILL SURVIVE? Convinced the clues to her past lie at the hotel, she checks in. But once on the island, a wild storm rages, waves crash violently into the rocks, and the house is cut off by the roaring sea. Then two guests are found dead. And the hotel owner is missing. Will Alice ever uncover her secret past? And will anyone leave the island alive? An utterly gripping thriller that will leave you reading long into the night! Fans of The Guest List and The Sanatorium will love this nail-biting read. Readers LOVE The Island House! 'I could not put it down, it had me hooked right from the very beginning. A must read this year.' - NetGalley Reviewer, 'A great, fast paced, gripping thriller! The writing flowed beautifully, and was so well written, it was truly spell binding! Amanda knows how to hold a readers attention until the very end!' - NetGalley Reviewer, 'This novel is addictive and seriously creepy... Five stars!' - NetGalley Reviewer, 'This was the first book by Amanda Brittany I have read, and I loved it! The plot is exciting and creepy... Recommended!' - NetGalley Reviewer, 'This is definitely my type of book! It was fast paced and really gripping.' - NetGalley Reviewer, 'A very spooky, eerie story which kept me enthralled!' - NetGalley Reviewer,… (mehr)
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'Wow, what a rollercoaster read, I loved everything about this story... A gripping, chilling and addictive thriller I found hard to put down.' - NetGalley Reviewer, A DARK FAMILY SECRET When Alice's father dies after a tragic hit and run, his death stirs up unanswered questions about her childhood. Who was her mother, why did her father never speak of the past, and why can't she remember anything before the age of seven? AN ISLAND CUT OFF But when she receives an anonymous letter containing a photograph of a refurbished gothic guesthouse surrounded by water, and an invitation to stay, old memories fight to resurface. Alice has visited before. She is certain of it. WHO WILL SURVIVE? Convinced the clues to her past lie at the hotel, she checks in. But once on the island, a wild storm rages, waves crash violently into the rocks, and the house is cut off by the roaring sea. Then two guests are found dead. And the hotel owner is missing. Will Alice ever uncover her secret past? And will anyone leave the island alive? An utterly gripping thriller that will leave you reading long into the night! Fans of The Guest List and The Sanatorium will love this nail-biting read. Readers LOVE The Island House! 'I could not put it down, it had me hooked right from the very beginning. A must read this year.' - NetGalley Reviewer, 'A great, fast paced, gripping thriller! The writing flowed beautifully, and was so well written, it was truly spell binding! Amanda knows how to hold a readers attention until the very end!' - NetGalley Reviewer, 'This novel is addictive and seriously creepy... Five stars!' - NetGalley Reviewer, 'This was the first book by Amanda Brittany I have read, and I loved it! The plot is exciting and creepy... Recommended!' - NetGalley Reviewer, 'This is definitely my type of book! It was fast paced and really gripping.' - NetGalley Reviewer, 'A very spooky, eerie story which kept me enthralled!' - NetGalley Reviewer,

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