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Haunted: Devil's Door

von Lee Mountford

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1951,175,338 (4.25)Keine
"The massacre of 1982 told in full. Halloween night, 1982. Many people were brutally killed or simply vanished at the Blackwater Hotel--formerly Perron Manor. The events of that night have always remained a mystery. Until now... Ray and Rita Pearson, along with their daughter, Chloe, move into the hotel to help with its renovation and grand opening. All under the watchful eye of the mysterious owner, Marcus Blackwater. But as they move closer to the opening date, things begin to happen in the hotel that are unexplainable. And Rita herself begins to change. Unbeknownst to the family, there are other plans in place, and Marcus Blackwater has his own agenda--one started by his grandfather many years ago. The story culminates in a horrific turn of events that changes everything you think you know about the house... and its inhabitants."--Back cover.… (mehr)
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This was an awesome continuation of the Haunted series!

A small taste of what is inside:

This book ensnares the story of a tragic massacre that took place in 1982 which happened on Halloween night.

The Pearson family (Rita and Ray along with their daughter, Chloe) have moved into what was considered Perron Manor as the owner Marcus Blackwater wants to turn the manor into a hotel, so he hires Rita and Ray to not only fix up the place which he provides the necessary funds for them, but also to manage the hotel as well.

Rita's brother Vincent is the one that reached out to her that Marcus was looking for someone to turn the manor into a hotel along with managing it as well. Marcus wants the hotel ready to go by Halloween night.

There is plenty to do to get the manor in tip-top shape for it to become a hotel to house guests, but Marcus Blackwater seems to think that the best way to draw guests is to make them think the manor is haunted as there are people that love the paranormal so what better way to bring in the masses then to let it be known that there are spooks roaming the halls.

Perron Manor a/k/a Blackwater Hotel has come to life since the Pearsons have begun renovating the place and the spirts are restless to the point that things begin to happen within the manor. As Halloween fast approaches and the hotel becomes ready to have the guests the manor literally wakes up as it anticipates the new victims that will be walking through the doors. Things go bad real quick with the owner, Marcus Blackwater at the helm as he has a few plans of his own in the making as well which no one realizes until it is too late what sinister plans he has put into motion for Halloween night.

What happens on Halloween night? What plans has Marcus prepared? Do the guests survive the night? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!


This was a fast paced story and it kept me on the edge of my seat! A true nail-biter as the haunting atmosphere just wrapped itself around me the more I became involved in the story!

When the story reaches the night of the murders is when the book literally goes into maniac overdrive as more things start happening in the book which drives the tension and suspense up several notches!

Giving this book five "Nightmare Spooky" stars!

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog:

( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
This was an awesome continuation of the Haunted series!

A small taste of what is inside:

This book ensnares the story of a tragic massacre that took place in 1982 which happened on Halloween night.

The Pearson family (Rita and Ray along with their daughter, Chloe) have moved into what was considered Perron Manor as the owner Marcus Blackwater wants to turn the manor into a hotel, so he hires Rita and Ray to not only fix up the place which he provides the necessary funds for them, but also to manage the hotel as well.

Rita's brother Vincent is the one that reached out to her that Marcus was looking for someone to turn the manor into a hotel along with managing it as well. Marcus wants the hotel ready to go by Halloween night.

There is plenty to do to get the manor in tip-top shape for it to become a hotel to house guests, but Marcus Blackwater seems to think that the best way to draw guests is to make them think the manor is haunted as there are people that love the paranormal so what better way to bring in the masses then to let it be known that there are spooks roaming the halls.

Perron Manor a/k/a Blackwater Hotel has come to life since the Pearsons have begun renovating the place and the spirts are restless to the point that things begin to happen within the manor. As Halloween fast approaches and the hotel becomes ready to have the guests the manor literally wakes up as it anticipates the new victims that will be walking through the doors. Things go bad real quick with the owner, Marcus Blackwater at the helm as he has a few plans of his own in the making as well which no one realizes until it is too late what sinister plans he has put into motion for Halloween night.

What happens on Halloween night? What plans has Marcus prepared? Do the guests survive the night? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!


This was a fast paced story and it kept me on the edge of my seat! A true nail-biter as the haunting atmosphere just wrapped itself around me the more I became involved in the story!

When the story reaches the night of the murders is when the book literally goes into maniac overdrive as more things start happening in the book which drives the tension and suspense up several notches!

Giving this book five "Nightmare Spooky" stars! ( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 22, 2022 |
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"The massacre of 1982 told in full. Halloween night, 1982. Many people were brutally killed or simply vanished at the Blackwater Hotel--formerly Perron Manor. The events of that night have always remained a mystery. Until now... Ray and Rita Pearson, along with their daughter, Chloe, move into the hotel to help with its renovation and grand opening. All under the watchful eye of the mysterious owner, Marcus Blackwater. But as they move closer to the opening date, things begin to happen in the hotel that are unexplainable. And Rita herself begins to change. Unbeknownst to the family, there are other plans in place, and Marcus Blackwater has his own agenda--one started by his grandfather many years ago. The story culminates in a horrific turn of events that changes everything you think you know about the house... and its inhabitants."--Back cover.

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