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The Lifeguards: A Novel von Amanda Eyre Ward
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The Lifeguards: A Novel (Original 2022; 2023. Auflage)

von Amanda Eyre Ward (Autor)

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1666170,280 (3.5)13
"The bonds between three picture-perfect, viciously protective mothers are tested when their sons uncover a horrible crime in this provocative novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Jetsetters. In Austin's Zilker Park, vigilance and money are enough to keep one insulated from the world's problems and inconveniences. Here, three mothers-Whitney, Annette, and Liza-have grown thick as thieves, and so have their fifteen-year-old sons. While each of them has their own set of values and backgrounds, they share the belief that they can shelter their boys from an increasingly dangerous world. They've raised their families together, and their three sons are about to begin a carefree summer as lifeguards. Their friendship is unbreakable--as safe as the neighborhood where they've raised their sweet little boys. Until the body is found. One night, the three women have been chatting away, drinking wine, when their boys come back with a harrowing story about finding a young woman dead beside a swimming hole in the Greenbelt, a swath of hiking trails and dim wilderness areas that runs through their neighborhood. They swear they haven't done anything. They agree not to call the police-because who would want to cause a scene, to topple their fragile images and arouse suspicion? What choice do mothers have but to believe their sons? All families harbor secrets. Privately, none of them is sure that the boys are telling the truth. And with each woman questioning her son-and her friends' sons-each wonders how many lies they've told each other. The Lifeguards is a riveting, high-stakes novel about the secrets we tell to protect the ones we love-and how sometimes your closest neighbor and ally can become your most dangerous foe"--… (mehr)
Titel:The Lifeguards: A Novel
Autoren:Amanda Eyre Ward (Autor)
Info:Ballantine Books (2023), Edition: Reprint, 384 pages


The Lifeguards von Amanda Eyre Ward (2022)

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Thanks to NetGalley for the review copy. I enjoyed this one more than The Jetsetters. ( )
  DKnight0918 | Dec 23, 2023 |
This book had early promise with three mothers and their three sons, all of whom are tightly connected. When a woman's dead body is found, a detective enters the scene, and all three boys are suspects. One of the boys has a twin sister, Roma, who has psychopathic tendencies. The plot eventually evolved into mediocrity with an unexpected, very quick ending. I am still wondering what happened to Roma - just one of the questions that could have been answered to make this a memorable reading experience. ( )
  pdebolt | Feb 8, 2023 |
The story is told in the voices of three mothers, with chapters also told by their three teenage sons. In spite of the humor and musings you know that these are some seriously frightened women. I have read some other books by this author, and I have found the same topic thread runs through most every one of her "people on paper". What I have found both amazing, and refreshing is how well she handles allowing them to face issues such as immigration, illness, alcoholism, suicide, guilt, family trauma, loneliness, and estrangement. She allows them to be petty, make the wrong choices again and again, fail badly, but then she picks them up, dusts them off, and has them try again. On this first night of a Texas summer the three boys find the body of a woman near their swimming hole. Something seems off about the boys’ story about finding the body, and as the police investigate and the mother's contact lawyers, each must decide between her friendship with the other mothers and her family. The more they discover...the more they wish they hadn't. Amanda Ward did a creditable job of keeping her readers guessing while providing some twists and coincidences. I seldom recommend books since everyone has diverse interest and tastes, but this one is worthy of a recommendation to anyone that likes mysteries, police procedurals and family trauma. ( )
  Carol420 | Jul 5, 2022 |
This wasn't my fave read. Three women living in a snooty, upper-class neighbor have three sons who are best friends and who are also all lifeguards at the local pool. One night, the three boys come home troubled after finding a woman's dead body. They all quickly become suspects and the women's friendship is tested. I felt the writing didn't flow very smoothly and some things were a little unclear. I did finish it, so it wasn't terrible. Just don't think I will be recommending it. ( )
  dawnlovesbooks | Jun 11, 2022 |
Twisty tale told from multiple POVs. Whitney, Annette, and Liza have been friends for 16 years, and live in a nice neighborhood in Austin, TX. Their 3 sons are all lifeguards at the neighborhood pool and are close friends. When they stumble home one night, they tell their moms that they found a woman dead on the greenbelt.
Liza, a single mother, has done everything she can to protect her son Charlie from dangers, esp. his father, Patrick, an addict. Whitney, a successful realtor, married to Jules, has 2 children, Roma and Xavier. Xavier is frightened of Roma, saying she is evil. Annette, married to Louis, is attracted to her boss, and wants to protect her son Robert. His father is overbearing.
These women will do what it takes to protect their children. Interesting to hear the true story around the woman's death, who did it, and why. ( )
  rmarcin | May 12, 2022 |
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          For Michelle
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It was strange to be the older woman.
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“If you look away, it will go away.”
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"The bonds between three picture-perfect, viciously protective mothers are tested when their sons uncover a horrible crime in this provocative novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Jetsetters. In Austin's Zilker Park, vigilance and money are enough to keep one insulated from the world's problems and inconveniences. Here, three mothers-Whitney, Annette, and Liza-have grown thick as thieves, and so have their fifteen-year-old sons. While each of them has their own set of values and backgrounds, they share the belief that they can shelter their boys from an increasingly dangerous world. They've raised their families together, and their three sons are about to begin a carefree summer as lifeguards. Their friendship is unbreakable--as safe as the neighborhood where they've raised their sweet little boys. Until the body is found. One night, the three women have been chatting away, drinking wine, when their boys come back with a harrowing story about finding a young woman dead beside a swimming hole in the Greenbelt, a swath of hiking trails and dim wilderness areas that runs through their neighborhood. They swear they haven't done anything. They agree not to call the police-because who would want to cause a scene, to topple their fragile images and arouse suspicion? What choice do mothers have but to believe their sons? All families harbor secrets. Privately, none of them is sure that the boys are telling the truth. And with each woman questioning her son-and her friends' sons-each wonders how many lies they've told each other. The Lifeguards is a riveting, high-stakes novel about the secrets we tell to protect the ones we love-and how sometimes your closest neighbor and ally can become your most dangerous foe"--

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