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Seducing Simon von Maya Banks
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Seducing Simon (2014. Auflage)

von Maya Banks (Autor)

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19813142,202 (3.66)5
Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Toni Langston has been in love with Simon, her best friend, for years. The night Simon breaks up with his long time girlfriend, he and Toni make love. Toni is devastated and humiliated when, in the heat of the moment, he calls her by his girlfriend's name. The next morning, Simon remembers nothing of the previous night and Toni is only too relieved not to remind him.

Two months later, she discovers she's pregnant. She wants Simon to love her, apart from any obligation he might feel because of the baby. So she embarks on a quest to seduce her best friend, to make him see her as more than a little sister, to make him love her as much as she loves him. It works. Maybe too well. Now when things are perfect, she faces telling him of the secret she's kept.

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Titel:Seducing Simon
Autoren:Maya Banks (Autor)
Info:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2014), 212 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Seducing Simon von Maya Banks

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Fun little book. Sweet heroine and clueless hero. All in all it unfolded in a pretty seamless way. Classic romance story telling. I need to check and see if any of the other men in the book have their own stories. ( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Secret baby. It's good. ( )
  izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
Toni has loved Simon for a long time and when he comes home devastated by betrayal and very drunk, she comforts him and they end up sleeping together, Toni is in heaven until he calls her by his ex's name. The next morning Simon doesn't remember and Toni tries to forget until she finds out two months later that she's pregnant. She's not telling who the father of her baby is and it's a long convoluted mess. Hard to believe that there was no evidence of her virginity to be found tby Simon. She tries to get Simon to see her as a woman and not a friend. He fights his attraction because he doesn't want to endanger her friendship.
( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
This book was like a little soap opera i had so much fun reading this one. Toni gets knocked up by one of her brother's best friends Simon who she's been in love with like forever, but wait Simon has no idea that he slept with his best friend little sister because he was so drunk when it happened. How does she tell him about the baby when he doesn't remember their night together. ( )
  mhelissa26 | Mar 8, 2017 |
Not as erotic based as some of Maya Banks' books. I loved the story line. It kept you interested and wanting to see how things worked out. ( )
  CassLee | Feb 16, 2016 |
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Toni Langston has been in love with Simon, her best friend, for years. The night Simon breaks up with his long time girlfriend, he and Toni make love. Toni is devastated and humiliated when, in the heat of the moment, he calls her by his girlfriend's name. The next morning, Simon remembers nothing of the previous night and Toni is only too relieved not to remind him.

Two months later, she discovers she's pregnant. She wants Simon to love her, apart from any obligation he might feel because of the baby. So she embarks on a quest to seduce her best friend, to make him see her as more than a little sister, to make him love her as much as she loves him. It works. Maybe too well. Now when things are perfect, she faces telling him of the secret she's kept.


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