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The Linden Walk

von Elizabeth Elgin

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The new novel from the author of A SCENT OF LAVENDER and ONE SUMMER AT DEER'S LEAP follows the secrets and passions of the Sutton family as Britain tries to find its way following the end of World War 2. The war is over, but the battle for happiness has just begun . . . After six long years the Second World War is finally over. Rationing may remain, but hopes and dreams are in good supply. At Rowangarth, deep in the Yorkshire countryside, there is more good news for the Sutton family and wedding preparations are underway. Lyndis Carmichael has finally won the heart of Drew Sutton, the man she has secretly cherished for years. Still, Lyndis has doubts. Haunted by the memory of Drew's fiancee Kitty -- killed during the Blitz -- she wonders if she can ever take her place in Drew's heart, and if she truly belongs in the close-knit Sutton clan. And other ghosts still linger. Keth Purvis, back from France after a high-risk mission, is compelled to return overseas to search for the young girl who saved his life; Drew's mother has yet to reveal the shocking truth of his father's identity, and Tatiana wonders if she will ever meet her long-lost half-sister. With the country struggling to ge… (mehr)
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The new novel from the author of A SCENT OF LAVENDER and ONE SUMMER AT DEER'S LEAP follows the secrets and passions of the Sutton family as Britain tries to find its way following the end of World War 2. The war is over, but the battle for happiness has just begun . . . After six long years the Second World War is finally over. Rationing may remain, but hopes and dreams are in good supply. At Rowangarth, deep in the Yorkshire countryside, there is more good news for the Sutton family and wedding preparations are underway. Lyndis Carmichael has finally won the heart of Drew Sutton, the man she has secretly cherished for years. Still, Lyndis has doubts. Haunted by the memory of Drew's fiancee Kitty -- killed during the Blitz -- she wonders if she can ever take her place in Drew's heart, and if she truly belongs in the close-knit Sutton clan. And other ghosts still linger. Keth Purvis, back from France after a high-risk mission, is compelled to return overseas to search for the young girl who saved his life; Drew's mother has yet to reveal the shocking truth of his father's identity, and Tatiana wonders if she will ever meet her long-lost half-sister. With the country struggling to ge

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