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Stitch 'n Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook von…
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Stitch 'n Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook (Original 2003; 2003. Auflage)

von Debbie Stoller

Reihen: Stitch 'n Bitch (1)

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4,373592,778 (4.06)36
Crafts. Nonfiction. HTML:It’s the essential guide for chicks with sticks—because knit happens.
From the tools of the trade to the knitty-gritty of techniques and patterns, all with easy-to-follow step-by-step illustrated techniques. Stockinette stitch, rib stitch, seed stitch. Increasing and decreasing. All the bells and whistles: fringes, tassels, cables, intarsia, crab stitch, and Fair Isle. Plus the stitch doctor’s own special bag of tricks and how to hook up with other knitters. After the how-tos come the why-to: forty hop, stylish patterns, as good for beginners as they are for purely pros.
  • Coney Island fireworks scarf
  • Punk rock backpack
  • Crickets technicolor techno-cozies
  • Pippi knee-stockings
  • Big bad baby blanket
  • To-dye-for sweater
  • Princess Snowball cat bed
  • Queen of Hearts bikini
… (mehr)
Titel:Stitch 'n Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook
Autoren:Debbie Stoller
Info:Workman Publishing (2003), Hardcover
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Stitch 'n Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook von Debbie Stoller (2003)

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I enjoyed reading this book. Unlike other knitting books I bought this for the anecdotes, not the patterns. ( )
  LynnK. | Aug 4, 2020 |
Stitch 'n bitch: the knitter's handbook by Debbie Stoller
Starts out with the whole family knitting overseas in Holland and the author just can't get it. Finally sinks in on her trek in a train across the US and everything comes together for her.
Talks of her works with organizing the group of knitters in NY.
Explanation of stitches is also included and funny sounding names for projects to do yourself.
Resources are also listed at the end. Fun book to listen to as the authors words are kinda down home and not foreign.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device). ( )
  jbarr5 | Mar 17, 2020 |
Truthfully, I don't think that I will ever finish [b:Stitch 'N Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook: Instructions, Patterns, and Advice for a New Generation of Knitters|57508|Stitch 'N Bitch The Knitter's Handbook Instructions, Patterns, and Advice for a New Generation of Knitters|Debbie Stoller||56028] as I am learning to knit. It just explains everything in such a straightforward way; I know I will be relying on it for a long time, as I stumble about trying to knit anything more complicated than a square, k4p4 washcloth.

Highly recommended for all who knit, who are learning how to knit, who would like to start knitting, and to keep on hand as a reference. ( )
  Critterbee | Apr 16, 2018 |
I taught myself to knit using this book. The illustrations are excellent, just about as good as what you'll find in the Vogue knitting handbook, and the patterns are cute, if a little dated. Ms. Stoller was one of the leading figures in the early-2000s revitalization of knitting, and she brought it out of the hands of blue-haired grannies and into the hands of cool kids. She gives lessons in a straightforward, easy to follow way and intersperses her information with tidbits and factoids about knitting and its history. If you have never picked up a pair of needles, this is a great place to start. More advanced knitters will want to borrow a copy rather than buy one. My personal favourite patterns? The Skully and Peppermint Twist sweaters. ( )
  brunnyd | Apr 14, 2018 |
Lots of info, lots of projects, lots of attitude. So it's a bit dated. I'm still glad to have it. ( )
  frannyor | May 1, 2017 |
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May 26, 1899 - March 20, 2003
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Crafts. Nonfiction. HTML:It’s the essential guide for chicks with sticks—because knit happens.
From the tools of the trade to the knitty-gritty of techniques and patterns, all with easy-to-follow step-by-step illustrated techniques. Stockinette stitch, rib stitch, seed stitch. Increasing and decreasing. All the bells and whistles: fringes, tassels, cables, intarsia, crab stitch, and Fair Isle. Plus the stitch doctor’s own special bag of tricks and how to hook up with other knitters. After the how-tos come the why-to: forty hop, stylish patterns, as good for beginners as they are for purely pros.
Featuring: Coney Island fireworks scarf Punk rock backpack Crickets technicolor techno-cozies Pippi knee-stockings Big bad baby blanket To-dye-for sweater Princess Snowball cat bed Queen of Hearts bikini .

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4 293
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