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Australian Government and Politics

von Alan Fenna

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This custom edition is published for Flinders University. Australian Government and Politics is the most up-to-date, comprehensive and authoritative introductory text on the Australian political system. Solidly based in current research, Australian Government and Politics provides a firm understanding of the way the institutions and actors of liberal democracy are constituted and function in Australia. It is an authoritative guide to the structure and institutions of Australian government; political ideas and political parties; elections and representation; the media and interest groups; and the making of public policy. This textbook also innovates in a number of ways, including a strong comparative focus throughout, and a dedicated emphasis on Indigenous politics and policy issues. This a new textbook which offers a fresh approach to the study of Australian politics, and introduces a new range of scholarly voices to the next generation of students. Comprehensive analysis of liberal democracy Coverage of indigenous politics and policy Comparisions to international political systems Discussion of non-voting forms of participation in the political process An introduction to the nature of public policy making and implementation Evaluation of the government's response to environmental challenges… (mehr)
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This custom edition is published for Flinders University. Australian Government and Politics is the most up-to-date, comprehensive and authoritative introductory text on the Australian political system. Solidly based in current research, Australian Government and Politics provides a firm understanding of the way the institutions and actors of liberal democracy are constituted and function in Australia. It is an authoritative guide to the structure and institutions of Australian government; political ideas and political parties; elections and representation; the media and interest groups; and the making of public policy. This textbook also innovates in a number of ways, including a strong comparative focus throughout, and a dedicated emphasis on Indigenous politics and policy issues. This a new textbook which offers a fresh approach to the study of Australian politics, and introduces a new range of scholarly voices to the next generation of students. Comprehensive analysis of liberal democracy Coverage of indigenous politics and policy Comparisions to international political systems Discussion of non-voting forms of participation in the political process An introduction to the nature of public policy making and implementation Evaluation of the government's response to environmental challenges

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