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Last Duke Standing: A Historical Romance (A…
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Last Duke Standing: A Historical Romance (A Royal Match, 1) (2022. Auflage)

von Julia London (Autor)

Reihen: A Royal Match (1)

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502527,473 (3.19)Keine
When Crown Princess Justine of Wesloria is sent to England to learn the ropes of royalty, she falls under the tutelage of none other than Queen Victoria herself. Justine's also in the market for a proper husband, one fit to marry the future queen of Wesloria. Because he knows simply everyone, William, Lord Douglas (the notoriously rakish heir to the Duke of Hamilton seat in Scotland, and decidedly not husband material), is on hand as an escort of sorts. William has been recruited to keep an eye on the royal matchmaker for the Weslorian prime minister, tasked to ensure the princess is matched with a man of quality, and one who will be sympathetic to the prime minister's views. As William and Justine are forced to scrutinize an endless parade of England's best bachelors, they become friends. But when the crowd of potential grooms is steadily culled, what if William is the last bachelor standing?… (mehr)
Titel:Last Duke Standing: A Historical Romance (A Royal Match, 1)
Autoren:Julia London (Autor)
Info:HQN (2022), Edition: Original, 416 pages
Sammlungen:ARC Books Reviewed


Last Duke Standing von Julia London

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I dislike giving single star reviews, but I just didn’t like anything about this. I’ve read 6 previous books by this author and they were mostly 3s, which isn’t a high score, but I also didn’t dislike any of them. This one though… I actually *disliked* both main characters, which is rare, usually at most I am just indifferent to at least one, lol. The heroine was supposed to come off as the less spoiled princess maybe? But that still left her plenty self focused with her defining feature just being ‘a princess’. And I feel like we were meant to feel sorry for her, but it’s hard to pity a future queen. And the hero was obnoxiously cocky with not much more to him either. A lot of the book is just them butting heads, and then suddenly we’re supposed to believe they care deeply for each other and no one else will do. I didn’t buy it at all. There’s an attempt at some political intrigue and matchmaking as well, but I couldn’t muster any care for it either. I considered still trying the next book, but it looks like it’s also a class difference/enemies to lovers trope, with a matchmaker, just with the more frivolous and spoiled sister princess. So no. ( )
  JorgeousJotts | Feb 14, 2023 |
I received an ARC of this book to read through NetGalley. All opinions are my own. Last Duke Standing is the first book in a new series, A Royal Match by Julia London. It is related to her previous series, The Royal Wedding, as it is set in the same world and shares secondary characters with the first series but takes place later in time. Crown Princess Justine of Westloria has been sent to London to find a match, her father is dying, and the men in her government are not open to her ruling as queen without a suitable consort. Therein lies the conundrum. She needs a partner who is confident enough in himself to understand that she is the queen, and he the consort but still strong enough to support her without trying to rule himself. Lord William Douglas, Marquess of Hamilton and Clydesdale, heir to the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, has spent the last few years trying to repair the damage to his family's fortunes caused by his father, so he is understandably annoyed when he's coerced into reporting back to the prime minister of Westloria the progress of Justine's matchmaking adventures. He soon discovers that the obnoxious teen princess has grown into a woman who may just steal his heart.
Delightful banter, strong supporting characters, and a couple whose HEA will have you cheering are the hallmarks of a Julia London novel, and this story is no exception. I enjoyed reading it very much and do recommend it highly. Steam Level: light side of medium. Publishing Date: February 2, 2022. #LastDukeStanding #JuliaLondon #HQN #HarlequinRomance #HistoricalRomance #RoyalRomance #HistoricalRomanceReader #bookstagram #bookstagrammer ( )
  nmgski | Feb 22, 2022 |
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Julia LondonHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Lanfredi, RossanaÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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When Crown Princess Justine of Wesloria is sent to England to learn the ropes of royalty, she falls under the tutelage of none other than Queen Victoria herself. Justine's also in the market for a proper husband, one fit to marry the future queen of Wesloria. Because he knows simply everyone, William, Lord Douglas (the notoriously rakish heir to the Duke of Hamilton seat in Scotland, and decidedly not husband material), is on hand as an escort of sorts. William has been recruited to keep an eye on the royal matchmaker for the Weslorian prime minister, tasked to ensure the princess is matched with a man of quality, and one who will be sympathetic to the prime minister's views. As William and Justine are forced to scrutinize an endless parade of England's best bachelors, they become friends. But when the crowd of potential grooms is steadily culled, what if William is the last bachelor standing?

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