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My Search for Prayers Satan Hates

von Steve Hemphill

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Follow Steve on a Scriptural journey that examines how a believer can overcome the forces of darkness through prayer and the power of God's word. Buddy Helms, Pastor, Brentwood Family Fellowship, San Angelo, TX. This book] will challenge you to take the spiritual dimension of life more seriously while giving you the tools you need to experience God's protection and direction ... Satan may hate Steve's book, but you will love it. Gordon Dabbs, Ph.D, Preaching Minister of the Prestoncrest Church of Christ, Dallas, TX Never before have I seen such a practical approach to using prayer to fight the devil on a daily basis. Edward P. Myers, Ph.D., Bible Professor, Harding University The world of unseen spirits--good and bad--does exist. Steve Hemphill, in his distinctive and forthright style, forces us to come to grips with this spiritual reality found throughout the pages of Scripture...A good and thought-provoking read. Royce Money, Ph.D., Chancellor, Abilene Christian University Are demons real? Do we really have invisible enemies that affect the visible world? Satan tries to convince people he doesn't exist, but he does. This powerful new book provides inspirational insight into the most powerful weapon in this cosmic conflict: prayer. Prayer empowers, putting Satan on notice. My Search for Prayers Satan Hates reveals shocking subtleties about the enemy.It informs, inspires, and exposes strategies that help you advance God's kingdom and protect yourself. Marvel at how Steve has seen God overthrow strongholds and change lives. Learn about his personal experiences and experience the victory of others. Steve dissects the Scriptures with amazing focus, and offers prayers to remedy the pains of life that haunt us. This is not a book of theory, but reality. The spiritual battles described are informative, encouraging, compelling, and challenging. Practical solutions are revealed that leave you thankful and hopeful. Learn how to access God's power in real-life situations. If you are tired of a defensive battle and ready to take it to the enemy, then pick up this book and read it.You may never be the same."… (mehr)
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Follow Steve on a Scriptural journey that examines how a believer can overcome the forces of darkness through prayer and the power of God's word. Buddy Helms, Pastor, Brentwood Family Fellowship, San Angelo, TX. This book] will challenge you to take the spiritual dimension of life more seriously while giving you the tools you need to experience God's protection and direction ... Satan may hate Steve's book, but you will love it. Gordon Dabbs, Ph.D, Preaching Minister of the Prestoncrest Church of Christ, Dallas, TX Never before have I seen such a practical approach to using prayer to fight the devil on a daily basis. Edward P. Myers, Ph.D., Bible Professor, Harding University The world of unseen spirits--good and bad--does exist. Steve Hemphill, in his distinctive and forthright style, forces us to come to grips with this spiritual reality found throughout the pages of Scripture...A good and thought-provoking read. Royce Money, Ph.D., Chancellor, Abilene Christian University Are demons real? Do we really have invisible enemies that affect the visible world? Satan tries to convince people he doesn't exist, but he does. This powerful new book provides inspirational insight into the most powerful weapon in this cosmic conflict: prayer. Prayer empowers, putting Satan on notice. My Search for Prayers Satan Hates reveals shocking subtleties about the enemy.It informs, inspires, and exposes strategies that help you advance God's kingdom and protect yourself. Marvel at how Steve has seen God overthrow strongholds and change lives. Learn about his personal experiences and experience the victory of others. Steve dissects the Scriptures with amazing focus, and offers prayers to remedy the pains of life that haunt us. This is not a book of theory, but reality. The spiritual battles described are informative, encouraging, compelling, and challenging. Practical solutions are revealed that leave you thankful and hopeful. Learn how to access God's power in real-life situations. If you are tired of a defensive battle and ready to take it to the enemy, then pick up this book and read it.You may never be the same."

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