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Traitor in the Ice: Treachery has gripped…
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Traitor in the Ice: Treachery has gripped the nation. But the King has spies everywhere. (Daniel Pursglove) (2022. Auflage)

von K. J. Maitland (Autor)

Reihen: Daniel Pursglove (2)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
305815,775 (3.93)2
'Full of tension and danger... powerfully atmospheric' JENNIFER SAINT 'A beautifully crafted thriller... Breathtaking and bone-chilling' MANDA SCOTT 'Maitland is a superlative historical novelist' REBECCA MASCULL --- Whispers haunt the walls and treachery darkens the shadows in this captivating historical novel for readers of C.J. Sansom, Andrew Taylor's Ashes of London and Kate Mosse. Winter, 1607. A man is struck down in the grounds of Battle Abbey, Sussex. Before dawn breaks, he is dead. Home to the Montagues, Battle has caught the paranoid eye of King James. The Catholic household is rumoured to shelter those loyal to the Pope, disguising them as servants within the abbey walls. And the last man sent to expose them was silenced before his report could reach London. Daniel Pursglove is summoned to infiltrate Battle and find proof of treachery. He soon discovers that nearly everyone at the abbey has something to hide - for deeds far more dangerous than religious dissent. But one lone figure he senses only in the shadows, carefully concealed from the world. Could the notorious traitor Spero Pettingar finally be close at hand? As more bodies are unearthed, Daniel determines to catch the culprit. But how do you unmask a killer when nobody is who they seem? DANIEL PURSGLOVE BOOK TWO --- Praise for THE DROWNED CITY 'Dark and enthralling' ANDREW TAYLOR 'This gripping thriller shows what a wonderful storyteller Maitland is' THE TIMES 'Colourful and compelling' SUNDAY TIMES 'Goes right to the heart of the Jacobean court' TRACY BORMAN 'Devilishly good' DAILY MAIL 'Spies, thieves, murderers and King James I? Brilliant' CONN IGGULDEN 'There are few authors who can bring the past to life so compellingly... Brilliant writing and more importantly, riveting reading' SIMON SCARROW 'The intrigues of Jacobean court politics simmer beneath the surface in this gripping and masterful crime novel' KATHERINE CLEMENTS 'Beautifully written with a dark heart, Maitland knows how to pull you deep into the early Jacobean period' RHIANNON WARD… (mehr)
Titel:Traitor in the Ice: Treachery has gripped the nation. But the King has spies everywhere. (Daniel Pursglove)
Autoren:K. J. Maitland (Autor)
Info:Headline Review (2022), 432 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Traitor in the Ice von K. J. Maitland

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At the command of his master Charles FitzAlan, Daniel Pursglove is to infiltrate Battle Abbey, the home of Viscountess Montague, a known Catholic sympathiser, to find out more about the mysterious Spero Pettingar and investigate the death of one of the king's pursuivants outside Battle.

This is the second volume in the Daniel Pursglove series. While equally well researched and atmospheric, it presents a stronger mystery than its predecessor, The Drowned City, and it takes Daniel some time to uncover the origin of the nightly disturbances and the person responsible for several deaths. Not all the answers are provided, however, as more questions regarding the mystery surrounding Spero Pettingar and the wider conspiracy remain. I look forward to finding out more in the third volume, Rivers of Treason (already on my shelf). ( )
  passion4reading | Jul 22, 2024 |
My thanks to the Author publisher's and NetGalley for providing me with a Kindle version of this book to read and honestly review.
Quality writing and research in the second book in this atmospheric clever engaging series, with a real feel for time and place. In the first book our hero the battled the great Bristol flood, in his investigations this time poor Daniel has to contend with the great freeze that gripped the country for months in late 1607 through to February 1608. While there are some references to the first book this works as a standalone story. A imaginative mystery with plenty of surprises quality characters throughout and descriptive to the point I could almost feel the cold.
Completely recommended. ( )
  Gudasnu | Feb 22, 2023 |
Daniel Pursglove has been handed a new mission. He is to infiltrate Battle Abbey, home of the Viscountess Montague, to find evidence of treachery. The Abbey is house steeped in Catholic worship, from the Holy Well to priest holes. However Daniel finds more that just Popish plotting taking place, the village is scared of a night-crawler and a route for Catholic priests is established.
This is the second book in Maitland's new series set in the early days of James I's reign. Like the first in the series the setting makes more of the book. Here the book is set during the Great Frost when the country was in the grip of ice for months on end and the descriptions of this are central to the feeling s aroused by the narrative. Again Maitland does have sections which are bound up with folklore and supernatural practises but not so much that they detract from a very atmospheric historical tale. ( )
1 abstimmen pluckedhighbrow | Apr 18, 2022 |
K.J. Maitland's Traitor in the Ice is a gift to readers of historical fiction who are interested in the real politik of Jacobean England. Too many historical mysteries are basically romance novels in disguise with a minimum of period detail and a maximum of longing glances and stolen kisses. The Daniel Purseglove series, of which this is volume two, explores Protestant-Catholic tensions in James I's England. Neither faith is depicted monolithically. Some Catholics hope to bring down James and restore the country to Catholicism, actively plotting against the king. Some want to practice their faith, but refuse to participate in anti-Protestant politics. Some occupy an uneasy middle ground, helping the network of clandestine Catholic priests, some of whom would welcome James' murder. There's even an outlier toying with the idea of an anti-Protestant Catholic-Jewish alliance. As I said, an outlier.

The mystery here is complex with lots of players—though it's not hard to keep track of who is who. Solutions come piecemeal, and at the end questions remain—which provides motivation to keep an eye peeled for volume three.

I received a free electronic review copy of this title from the publisher via NetGalley; the opinions are my own. ( )
  Sarah-Hope | Jan 12, 2022 |
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'Full of tension and danger... powerfully atmospheric' JENNIFER SAINT 'A beautifully crafted thriller... Breathtaking and bone-chilling' MANDA SCOTT 'Maitland is a superlative historical novelist' REBECCA MASCULL --- Whispers haunt the walls and treachery darkens the shadows in this captivating historical novel for readers of C.J. Sansom, Andrew Taylor's Ashes of London and Kate Mosse. Winter, 1607. A man is struck down in the grounds of Battle Abbey, Sussex. Before dawn breaks, he is dead. Home to the Montagues, Battle has caught the paranoid eye of King James. The Catholic household is rumoured to shelter those loyal to the Pope, disguising them as servants within the abbey walls. And the last man sent to expose them was silenced before his report could reach London. Daniel Pursglove is summoned to infiltrate Battle and find proof of treachery. He soon discovers that nearly everyone at the abbey has something to hide - for deeds far more dangerous than religious dissent. But one lone figure he senses only in the shadows, carefully concealed from the world. Could the notorious traitor Spero Pettingar finally be close at hand? As more bodies are unearthed, Daniel determines to catch the culprit. But how do you unmask a killer when nobody is who they seem? DANIEL PURSGLOVE BOOK TWO --- Praise for THE DROWNED CITY 'Dark and enthralling' ANDREW TAYLOR 'This gripping thriller shows what a wonderful storyteller Maitland is' THE TIMES 'Colourful and compelling' SUNDAY TIMES 'Goes right to the heart of the Jacobean court' TRACY BORMAN 'Devilishly good' DAILY MAIL 'Spies, thieves, murderers and King James I? Brilliant' CONN IGGULDEN 'There are few authors who can bring the past to life so compellingly... Brilliant writing and more importantly, riveting reading' SIMON SCARROW 'The intrigues of Jacobean court politics simmer beneath the surface in this gripping and masterful crime novel' KATHERINE CLEMENTS 'Beautifully written with a dark heart, Maitland knows how to pull you deep into the early Jacobean period' RHIANNON WARD

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