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The Complete Ecotopia von Ernest Callenbach
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The Complete Ecotopia (2021. Auflage)

von Ernest Callenbach (Auteur), Malcolm Margolin (Préface)

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Published in hardcover for the first time in forty years, two classics of environmental science fiction "One of the most important utopian novels of the twentieth century that still has very important lessons to teach us. It will always convey to perfection the wild optimism of that moment: a feeling we need to recapture, adjusted for our time."--Kim Stanley Robinson onEcotopia Collected in one handsome volume for the first time,The Complete Ecotopia presents an early classic of environmental science fiction in its entirety.Ecotopia (1975) andEcotopia Emerging (1981), which paint detailed portraits of a healthier earth and a happier society, became foundational texts for a new wave of environmental activists, and they still contain an abundance of ideas yet to be realized. Ernest Callenbach's Ecotopian saga anticipated climate fiction by more than a decade, sold approximately one million copies and was translated into one dozen languages, and predicted a host of innovations running from C-SPAN to widespread recycling. This edition includes tworetrospective essays by the author, as well as an updated foreword by Heyday founder Malcolm Margolin. An important document of utopian ideas from the sixties and seventies,The Complete Ecotopia is also a stimulating read for environmentalists today--one that tells a bold, inventive, and adventurous story.… (mehr)
Titel:The Complete Ecotopia
Autoren:Ernest Callenbach (Auteur)
Weitere Autoren:Malcolm Margolin (Préface)
Info:Banyan Tree Books (2021), 560 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Complete Ecotopia von Ernest Callenbach

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Published in hardcover for the first time in forty years, two classics of environmental science fiction "One of the most important utopian novels of the twentieth century that still has very important lessons to teach us. It will always convey to perfection the wild optimism of that moment: a feeling we need to recapture, adjusted for our time."--Kim Stanley Robinson onEcotopia Collected in one handsome volume for the first time,The Complete Ecotopia presents an early classic of environmental science fiction in its entirety.Ecotopia (1975) andEcotopia Emerging (1981), which paint detailed portraits of a healthier earth and a happier society, became foundational texts for a new wave of environmental activists, and they still contain an abundance of ideas yet to be realized. Ernest Callenbach's Ecotopian saga anticipated climate fiction by more than a decade, sold approximately one million copies and was translated into one dozen languages, and predicted a host of innovations running from C-SPAN to widespread recycling. This edition includes tworetrospective essays by the author, as well as an updated foreword by Heyday founder Malcolm Margolin. An important document of utopian ideas from the sixties and seventies,The Complete Ecotopia is also a stimulating read for environmentalists today--one that tells a bold, inventive, and adventurous story.

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