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The Nurse's Secret: A Thrilling Historical…
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The Nurse's Secret: A Thrilling Historical Novel of the Dark Side of Gilded Age New York City (Original 2022; 2022. Auflage)

von Amanda Skenandore (Autor)

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25618108,240 (3.95)1
The Alienist meets The Light of Luna Park in a fascinating historical novel based on the little-known story of America's first nursing school, as a young female grifter in 1880s New York evades the police by conning her way into Bellevue Hospital's training school for nurses... In the slums of 1880s New York, Una Kelly has grown up to be a rough-and-tumble grifter, able to filch a pocketbook in five seconds flat. But when another con-woman pins her for a murder she didn't commit, Una is forced to flee. Running from the police, Una lies her way into an unlikely refuge: the nursing school at Bellevue Hospital. Based on Florence Nightingale's nursing principles, Bellevue is the first school of its kind in the country. Where once nurses were assumed to be ignorant and unskilled, Bellevue prizes discipline, intellect, and moral character, and only young women of good breeding need apply. At first, Una balks at her prim classmates and the doctors' endless commands. Yet life on the streets has prepared her for the horrors of injury and disease found on the wards, and she slowly gains friendship and self-respect. Just as she finds her footing, Una's suspicions about a patient's death put her at risk of exposure, and will force her to choose between her instinct for self-preservation, and exposing her identity in order to save others. Amanda Skenandore brings her medical expertise to a page-turning story that explores the evolution of modern nursing-including the grisly realities of nineteenth-century medicine-as seen through the eyes of an intriguing and dynamic heroine.… (mehr)
Titel:The Nurse's Secret: A Thrilling Historical Novel of the Dark Side of Gilded Age New York City
Autoren:Amanda Skenandore (Autor)
Info:Kensington (2022), 368 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Nurse's Secret von Amanda Skenandore (2022)

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In a Nutshell: Pretty interesting. Historical fiction plus medical fiction plus crime mystery all rolled in one. Does justice to the historical and medical elements. The mystery part is guessable.

Story Synopsis:
New York City, 1883. Una is a petty thief who grifts for a living. She is independent and bold, and not shy of manipulating her way of trouble. However, when she ends up getting accused of a murder she didn’t commit, she has no choice but to escape. With limited funds and no friends, Una has just one option – join the nursing school at Bellevue Hospital pretending to be from a wealthier family. The rest of the story mainly follows Una’s experiences as a nursing trainee at Bellevue, but the background also has a series of murders occurring in the city, which Una finds difficult to ignore as some of the targets involve her slum acquaintances.
The story comes to us in a limited third person perspective.

Where the book worked for me:
( )
  RoshReviews | Jul 30, 2024 |
This really was a thrilling historical novel set in New York. It revolves around Una Kelly, a grifter, pickpocket and thief who has been on her own surviving on the streets for 10 years. One night she’s in the wrong place at the wrong time when a man who fenced stolen goods is murdered. She is accused of the murder and taken to jail. She manages to escape. She reads about opportunities for women to apply for the Bellevue Training School for Nurses. With the help of her newspaper friend, Barney, she forges the information and bio information on the application and is accepted into the program. It’s a safe place for her to hide from the police.

Her roommate is Dru (Drusilla) Lewis and they become friends, though this is new to Una. She also finds a romantic interest with a certain young doctor, Edwin Westervelt.

When a woman she knew on the streets is treated at the hospital and then mysteriously dies, Una begins to see a pattern and is afraid the killer works at Bellevue. She risks everything to trap the killer into confessing in order to save more people and almost becomes a victim herself.

Una is surprised to find enjoyment and satisfaction in nursing and helping others.

A great story with believable characters, plenty of twists, and turns in the plot, with action, some romance and development of the protagonist.
( )
  LuLibro | Jan 22, 2024 |
I loved this historical fiction glimpse into life at Bellevue hospital and life in NYC in the 1880s. Una is a spunky, determined young woman who has had to grow up too fast - most of that time fending for herself on the streets. The author does a great job transitioning Una from that life of crime-to-survive to one of hope and a future as a nurse trainee at Bellevue.
Murder, romance, friendship, and history are woven into this story of a young woman's fight for truth and survival. I enjoyed this story and highly recommend it! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an audiobook copy of this interesting story. ( )
  JillHannah | Nov 20, 2023 |
August 22
  Pamelabluejeans | Aug 10, 2023 |
Thanks NetGalley for the ARC of this book. Una Kelley is a thief, left on the streets of New York, making her money by pickpocketing those unsuspecting of a young lady. When a meeting goes wrong, she ends up being a suspect of a murder. She has the brilliant idea of hiding in plain sight, the Bellevue Hospital as a trainee to become a nurse. Her life on the streets has prepared her for the horrors she sees within the walls. As she become confident in her abilities as a nurse, she gains friendship and respect along the way, until a person from her pass threatens to ruin everything she’s accomplished. I couldn’t put this book down - perfect balance of history, mystery, and a bit of romance. I loved this book and loved reading about nursing at the turn of the century. ( )
  dabutkus | Sep 4, 2022 |
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The Alienist meets The Light of Luna Park in a fascinating historical novel based on the little-known story of America's first nursing school, as a young female grifter in 1880s New York evades the police by conning her way into Bellevue Hospital's training school for nurses... In the slums of 1880s New York, Una Kelly has grown up to be a rough-and-tumble grifter, able to filch a pocketbook in five seconds flat. But when another con-woman pins her for a murder she didn't commit, Una is forced to flee. Running from the police, Una lies her way into an unlikely refuge: the nursing school at Bellevue Hospital. Based on Florence Nightingale's nursing principles, Bellevue is the first school of its kind in the country. Where once nurses were assumed to be ignorant and unskilled, Bellevue prizes discipline, intellect, and moral character, and only young women of good breeding need apply. At first, Una balks at her prim classmates and the doctors' endless commands. Yet life on the streets has prepared her for the horrors of injury and disease found on the wards, and she slowly gains friendship and self-respect. Just as she finds her footing, Una's suspicions about a patient's death put her at risk of exposure, and will force her to choose between her instinct for self-preservation, and exposing her identity in order to save others. Amanda Skenandore brings her medical expertise to a page-turning story that explores the evolution of modern nursing-including the grisly realities of nineteenth-century medicine-as seen through the eyes of an intriguing and dynamic heroine.

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