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The Measure: A Read with Jenna Pick von…
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The Measure: A Read with Jenna Pick (2022. Auflage)

von Nikki Erlick (Autor)

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1,1894516,997 (3.81)18
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. HTML:

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - The Read With Jenna Today Show Book Club Pick!

"A story of love and hope as interweaving characters display: how all moments, big and small, can measure a life. If you want joy, love, romance, and hope—read with us." —Jenna Bush Hager

A luminous, spirit-lifting blockbuster for readers of The Midnight Library.

Eight ordinary people. One extraordinary choice.

It seems like any other day. You wake up, pour a cup of coffee, and head out.

But today, when you open your front door, waiting for you is a small wooden box. This box holds your fate inside: the answer to the exact number of years you will live.

From suburban doorsteps to desert tents, every person on every continent receives the same box. In an instant, the world is thrust into a collective frenzy. Where did these boxes come from? What do they mean? Is there truth to what they promise?

As society comes together and pulls apart, everyone faces the same shocking choice: Do they wish to know how long they'll live? And, if so, what will they do with that knowledge?

The Measure charts the dawn of this new world through an unforgettable cast of characters whose decisions and fates interweave with one another: best friends whose dreams are forever entwined, pen pals finding refuge in the unknown, a couple who thought they didn't have to rush, a doctor who cannot save himself, and a politician whose box becomes the powder keg that ultimately changes everything.

Enchanting and deeply uplifting, The Measure is a sweeping, ambitious, and invigorating story about family, friendship, hope, and destiny that encourages us to live life to the fullest.

… (mehr)
Titel:The Measure: A Read with Jenna Pick
Autoren:Nikki Erlick (Autor)
Info:William Morrow (2022), Edition: 1, 368 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz, Personal collection
Tags:fiction, book group, read2023, audiobook, platform:, speculative fiction, mortality, re-read


The Measure von Nikki Erlick

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While I liked the entire premise of the story, the execution fell flat for me. The dialogue felt stilted and the characters and their situations felt contrived. There was SO MUCH potential here for an exciting, interesting story. But this was slow and convoluted. ( )
  Tosta | May 23, 2024 |
If you want to read this book as a great escape from life... DON'T ... Read plenty of reviews before deciding to waste precious book reading time on this book. This book started out great and interesting until it started to feel like the author wanted to insert every political issue in society into the story. The story felt like being subjected to "a political woke soapbox' where the best solution is to "love and accept everyone" through it all because we are all "strung together." This is the first book I have read where I did NOT want to finish. It was all I could do to finish it and had to speed read the last 100 pages. This book felt like 'woke/leftism' in favor of certain groups of people and taught me to 'check the reviews first' so I can read great fiction stories without political propaganda. ( )
  MorrisonLibrary21512 | Apr 15, 2024 |
Story of a time in the world when you received a little box that held the information on your longevity. It was either a short string or a long string. It got to a point when you could calculate almost exactly when you were going to die. The premise of the book was interesting but I didn’t really get too attached to the characters in the book. It became better toward the end of the book when people finally decided how they were going to deal with their strings. ( )
  janismack | Mar 28, 2024 |
The length of a life measured by a string which everyone, twenty-two years and older, receives. This basic premise is almost enough to stop you reading this novel, however, the depths of the personalities introduced in the story bring you to you a wealth of thoughts and considerations. Although slow-moving initially you finally move you to life unfolding for several individuals. ( )
  kpf506 | Mar 24, 2024 |
beautiful and surprising and and thought provoking. i loved. ( )
  ellentx13 | Mar 7, 2024 |
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Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

—Mary Oliver, "The Summer Day"
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For my grandparents,

with love and gratitude
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It was difficult to imagine a time before them, a world in which they hadn't come.
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Deborah had once confided in Nina, after her third drink at the holiday party, that whenever the team discussed a shooting or a natural disaster, she was struck by how lightly their words were tossed about. In her three decades as a journalist, as the headlines seemed to grow ever more grim, Deborah had seen the words shed their weight a little more with each occurrence, until they barely resembled the dense nouns and heavy adjectives that once pressed upon entire rooms. But that was the only way to continue working, Nina thought, to shield your soul from breaking.
Did a patient receive less care because her string was short, or was a patient's string short because she received less care?
It felt like the world's most fucked-up version of the chicken-or-the-egg conundrum.
"You can always count on the artists to step up," she said, "especially during a crisis."
"Well, some days can get pretty dark," Hank said, "but other days, I just try to remember that I've lived a good life. I did my best to help people. I fell in love a few times. I tried to be a good son." Hank leaned back slowly in his chair. "You know, I watched a lot of people come to the end, and everyone around them kept begging them to fight. It takes real strength to keep on fighting, and yes, usually that's the right answer. Keep fighting, keep holding on, no matter what. But sometimes I think we forget that it also takes strength to be able to let go."
Jack thought that he knew what loneliness felt like, a perpetual outsider among his kin, a mistake. But that was always the absence of love. Here, with Javi, it was the loss.
And losing something felt so much harder, so much lonelier, than simply going without.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. HTML:

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - The Read With Jenna Today Show Book Club Pick!

"A story of love and hope as interweaving characters display: how all moments, big and small, can measure a life. If you want joy, love, romance, and hope—read with us." —Jenna Bush Hager

A luminous, spirit-lifting blockbuster for readers of The Midnight Library.

Eight ordinary people. One extraordinary choice.

It seems like any other day. You wake up, pour a cup of coffee, and head out.

But today, when you open your front door, waiting for you is a small wooden box. This box holds your fate inside: the answer to the exact number of years you will live.

From suburban doorsteps to desert tents, every person on every continent receives the same box. In an instant, the world is thrust into a collective frenzy. Where did these boxes come from? What do they mean? Is there truth to what they promise?

As society comes together and pulls apart, everyone faces the same shocking choice: Do they wish to know how long they'll live? And, if so, what will they do with that knowledge?

The Measure charts the dawn of this new world through an unforgettable cast of characters whose decisions and fates interweave with one another: best friends whose dreams are forever entwined, pen pals finding refuge in the unknown, a couple who thought they didn't have to rush, a doctor who cannot save himself, and a politician whose box becomes the powder keg that ultimately changes everything.

Enchanting and deeply uplifting, The Measure is a sweeping, ambitious, and invigorating story about family, friendship, hope, and destiny that encourages us to live life to the fullest.


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