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Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ von The Arcic…
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Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ (2005. Auflage)

von The Arcic Statement: The Vatican And The Anglican Communion (Autor)

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Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ is the 5th statement of the second phase of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) and brings to completion the mandate the Commission was given when it began its work in 1983. This Seattle Statement is an agreed statement concerning Christian faith and devotion related to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is portrayed within the pattern of grace and hope. This edition includes supporting essays and theological commentary by distinguished theologians including Timothy Bradshaw, Sara Butler, Charles Sherlock and Jared Wicks.A detailed study guide addresses the main themes of the Seattle Statement, and is designed to introduce the document and its subject to students at all levels, and is particularly oriented towards use in parishes and discussion groups.… (mehr)
Titel:Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ
Autoren:The Arcic Statement: The Vatican And The Anglican Communion (Autor)
Info:Morehouse Publishing (2005), 96 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Mary : grace and hope in Christ von Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission.,

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Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ is the 5th statement of the second phase of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) and brings to completion the mandate the Commission was given when it began its work in 1983. This Seattle Statement is an agreed statement concerning Christian faith and devotion related to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is portrayed within the pattern of grace and hope. This edition includes supporting essays and theological commentary by distinguished theologians including Timothy Bradshaw, Sara Butler, Charles Sherlock and Jared Wicks.A detailed study guide addresses the main themes of the Seattle Statement, and is designed to introduce the document and its subject to students at all levels, and is particularly oriented towards use in parishes and discussion groups.

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