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Storm's Cage

von Mary Stone, Amy Wilson

Reihen: Amelia Storm (3)

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Secrets locked away in cages can't tell stories ... After military veteran turned FBI agent Amelia Storm and her partner Zane bust a child porn ring run by one of Chicago's premier mob families, two of the four men involved are dead--one by his own hand, the second by Amelia's. A third is in jail awaiting trial... if he lives that long. The fourth man caught on camera taking advantage of helpless children is still a mystery, though they've learned one important thing about him... he's a detective in the Chicago Police Department. Soon, they learn he'll do anything to keep his secret safe. Amelia is determined to hunt down the dirty cop and make him pay for what he's done. But as the investigation mounts, Amelia grows increasingly troubled by her role in the death of the mobster behind it all, second-guessing if it was justified. When she's partnered with a witness to the shooting, she's drawn into a web of intrigue where no one is innocent, and everyone has blood on their hands. From the dark minds of Mary Stone and Amy Wilson comes Storm's Cage, book three of the Amelia Storm Series, where you'll be looking over your shoulder, wondering who to trust.… (mehr)
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Mary StoneHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Wilson, AmyHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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Secrets locked away in cages can't tell stories ... After military veteran turned FBI agent Amelia Storm and her partner Zane bust a child porn ring run by one of Chicago's premier mob families, two of the four men involved are dead--one by his own hand, the second by Amelia's. A third is in jail awaiting trial... if he lives that long. The fourth man caught on camera taking advantage of helpless children is still a mystery, though they've learned one important thing about him... he's a detective in the Chicago Police Department. Soon, they learn he'll do anything to keep his secret safe. Amelia is determined to hunt down the dirty cop and make him pay for what he's done. But as the investigation mounts, Amelia grows increasingly troubled by her role in the death of the mobster behind it all, second-guessing if it was justified. When she's partnered with a witness to the shooting, she's drawn into a web of intrigue where no one is innocent, and everyone has blood on their hands. From the dark minds of Mary Stone and Amy Wilson comes Storm's Cage, book three of the Amelia Storm Series, where you'll be looking over your shoulder, wondering who to trust.

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